A Perfectly Good Thing

"You are not mad." 

Janice's statement couldn't be more wrong. Layla is definitely mad. She just can't figure out who or what to direct her anger at exactly. Whether it should be Caleb, who deliberately chose not to mention that he was one of the finest figures in the business world, or herself, who had become so rusty she hadn't had the slightest inkling as to who he was. 

Once upon a time she lived for such. Knowing who was who in the industry, she had dreamt of leaving a mark of her own. But now, this whole revelation just made her realize how far she had fallen from that ambitious girl that had proudly walked off that graduation podium ready to take on the world. She just realized how much she had thrown away just for love. And for what? A broken heart and a slap in the face that reminded her of how gullible she was? Had she really settled for being Simon's trophy wife? Is what she's doing with Caleb any different?

"Shouldn't we be stopping for coffee?" Disappointment weighing heavily on her, Layla watches one more coffee shop disappear from her view as Janice drives by. She had thought that she'd get dragged to a cafeteria or something, but how could she forget that this was Janice? Knowing Caleb's best friend, Layla figures she's in for one hell of a conversation. One that can't exactly be had in front of Caleb's people.

Caleb's people… Caleb Young. Young Towers.  Layla mentally slaps herself. It was all right there. She wonders why she didn't see everything coming. The name was right there on the shiny skyscraper. And for someone who just happened to know the owner of the company, Caleb got too much attention and unusual respect. That was another red flag. She should have known by all the VIP treatment they got once they both stepped out of his car. Because, what kind of friend has a bunch of his employees line up for the kind of welcome she and Caleb got?

"We should." Janice's reply takes Layla out of her thoughts. "But, I seem to have forgotten that caffeine is no longer something I should indulge in. And because this trip is about you, I figured we'd get something that you like. Something that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face despite this regrettable situation."

A warmth floods Layla's heart at that. Janice may be Caleb's best friend, but right now all the concern in the girl's eyes seems to be all for her. If Layla didn't know better, she would think them to be the best of friends.

"I should have seen it coming." Layla dives into the conversation, choosing not to wait until they reach their destination. Wherever that may be.

"Regret doesn't look good on you, you know?" Janice's eyes dart between the road and her. "And besides, I don't think you would have seen it coming even if you wanted to. Caleb hasn't been this person for a while now."

"He hasn't? What does that even mean?"

"Nope. He's been Dr. Caleb Young from the moment he decided to leave it all behind, giving his all to his life-saving profession."

Layla doesn't need to be told that. She is a living testimony of Caleb's life-saving skills. He is just as successful at being a doctor as much as he was at being a damn fine businessman.

"He loved it, loves it. The business world is his life blood, but being a doctor…it gave him purpose. Every time he'd come home at those awkward hours, you would not only see how tired he was, but how happy he was too. Not even clinching the most lucrative business deals brought out the kind of satisfaction he wore each time he left the E.R. And then it gave him you and now, I think, no, I know that his life is complete."

Layla's chest tightens as those feelings of doubt poke at her even after listening to Janice's beautiful speech. "You don't think I'm making a mistake? I mean being with him right after Simon. Because I kind of feel like I am. How did you know that Darren was it?" Maybe she just needs someone else to say it and maybe she'll see everything clearly. No more second guessing.

"You know I'm definitely going to be biased, right?"

"I know, but I also know you aren't one to beat about the bush."

"Well, subtlety was never my strong suit." Janice smirks and Layla shifts in her seat nervously. She needs Janice's voice of reason, but even when she says she may be biased, Layla knows there is no telling with Janice. She might just tell her to shove everything if she can't get past her cold feet.

"He's avoided the dating pool like the plague. Not even I, could get him to swim in there. Always bolted after the first date." Janice snorts. "The E.R has been his everything until…well, you. So to answer your question, I think you know the answer to that particular question. You've known it since the moment you laid your eyes on him."

Layla's heart flutters. Of course she knew. In her heart of hearts. Right up to the moment she found out that Caleb was not just her perfect doctor, but the perfect leading man who was one hell of a businessman too. That moment was barely half an hour ago, so why was she letting this detail about the man she loves make her want to let go of a perfectly good thing?

So what if he is not just her doctor? So what if he turned out to be someone who not only shared her fascination with the world of business but owned that entire world with his out of the world shrewd business acumen. 

"He told me he loves me." Layla mumbles while fighting the urge to drown in the memories leading up to that moment when Caleb confessed his love and looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world…his everything.

God!" The truth hits her like a bus. The most important thing. He loves me…a simple girl with nothing to offer and he with…with all that…

"And by the look on your face, he said or did more than that and you'd kill for more."

It turns out that hell of a conversation just ended before it even began. 

"I need to go back." 

"Okay, but about that." Janice slows the car down before bringing it to a stop. "As pleased as I am about your decision, no can't do. Not just yet."

"Why?" Layla frowns as she watches Janice park the car. 

"Your lives can wait, I on the other hand, can't. I'm starving." 

Layla stares wide-eyed as Janice practically bolts from the car and into an eatery that Layla hadn't noticed until now. What's up with her? Isn't this supposed to be about me? Layla unbuckles her seat belt and quickly follows after her. Inside the diner, she spots Janice, hands clutching a milkshake like her life depends on it.

"I didn't know you were a fan of those?" She curls an eyebrow at Janice when she gets to her seat.

"Thanks to you."


"I kind of stole the one Caleb left in reserve for you the day he made you one and since then, given my situation, I just fell in love."

Her situation? Layla wonders about that but she doesn't ask when Janice says nothing more.

"Just so you know, I'm not from corporate affairs."

"Oh?" Layla reaches for her own milkshake, making sure to tone down her excitement at having one, lest everyone thinks of them as freaks for being excited about such a simple drink.

"Nope, just felt like a cool thing to say. I'm one of the major shareholders, actually."

"You are what?!" Layla gawkes at Janice. Who are you people?

"Somehow, Caleb thought shoving that down my throat would force me to accept his many thanks for this relationship we share. I still don't want it because, God, I hate all that unreasonable attention and respect that gets thrown at me in that place."

"Then why did you come?" Guilt stabs at Layla, knowing there is a possibility it was for her sake.

"Because me and my perfect husband have kind of gotten used to having him back. And there is no way in hell we'll have him go back to that dark place. Which is what will happen if you leave him."

"Leave him?" She was mad, but Layla hadn't gone that far in her decision making in the first place and after this conversation, she highly doubts she'll head in that direction at all.

"Oh, thank God!" Janice exhales before pulling her in for a hug. Somehow the relief on her face seems to have to do with something else too.

"Why do I get the feeling that there is more to this?"

The biggest smile graces Janice's lips while the hand that had been holding her milkshake drops to her stomach. "Because we already decided who the godparents of our next baby would be if we got lucky. And I really need your help doing this dinner where I intend to tell Darren that he's going to be a dad again. So?"

"You are pregnant and you want me to be your baby's godparent?" Layla feels a prickle in her eyes.

"Please say yes" Janice reaches for her hands, squeezing them. "I couldn't think of anyone better suited. Emma and Emily love you, we love you. And well, you are practically family with Caleb and all."

Family. If Layla wasn't sold before, that one word does it. Because what is better than family happiness? "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you." She means it. And that twinkle in Janice's eyes? She wants that… someday.

"Yeah, so?" Janice's nervous look makes Layla roll her eyes. 

There is no way she could ever say no. Not when everything in her is already screaming for her to do this. She wants to do this. To do it with Caleb. "It's a yes." Her troubles forgotten, Layla pulls Janice in for a hug. "Thank you for making me a part of your family."

"Oh, wait for aunty duties before you thank me." Janice scoffs.

"Piece of cake." Layla sasses, making Janice laugh. "Been there, done that at the orphanage, so bring it on." At that they both burst out laughing.

"So the dark place…mind telling me what that is about?" Layla asks after the hype of the baby news dies down. Curiosity is already killing her. People didn't just walk away from a life they knew the way Caleb did, especially that to her, his world was perfect.

"Actually yes." Janice drags out her answer. "But only because it's not my story to tell. Sorry. I hope you understand." 

"Sure." Layla nods, her mind shifting to Caleb.