WebNovelIN Love?20.00%

Chapter 1

Dieko swore as he swerved to avoid the car behind him. He was meant to be ecstatic but he felt strangely annoyed. Nike had acted in contrast to what he had visualized. She had not even made an effort to avoid him this morning. Rather she had greeted him with that smile that had once gotten his heart racing and asked him if he would like anything for breakfast. He had thought initially that she had not seen the divorce letter he had dropped by her bedside yesterday.

When he had not replied her question concerning breakfast it was then she gave him a shocker that still made his blood boil thinking about it. She had said ' I'm fine with the divorce if that's what you want ' He had clearly not been expecting that.

He had visualized that she will not accept it but rather quiz him and cry all over him. Contrary to that she had seemed totally unfazed and had discussed her terms for divorce like they were talking about fond memories.

When she had said she had conditions that needed to be met for her to sign the divorce papers, he had smiled internally. He thought she would probably ask for the house in Lekki phase 1 or the one in Victoria gardens or even the mansion they currently lived in, in Parkview Estate, Ikoyi. Then ask for the custody of their son and demand unreasonable allowances from him. She had asked nothing material and nothing related to their son. She had only asked him to kiss her every morning in front of their son before he left for work for the next three months.

He did not understand why her irrational request was bothering him. It was as simple as hell. She was practically giving him the freedom to leave the marriage without any stress. Except for the wait, there was nothing else he had to lose. No lawsuit, no fight for custody, no nothing.

He wondered how Lewa would react to the news. She would be happy no doubt and she would definitely not mind waiting three months before she will eventually graduate from being his side chic to be his fiance and then-wife.

Shifting his thoughts from Nike to Lewa a smile crossed his face. It had not been up to two days yet he missed her already. Sweet Lewa, he couldn't wait to officially make her his. He hoped her semester exams went well. He didn't want to see her face marred with a frown. Asides that he had other plans tonight especially now that Nike had agreed to go through with the divorce.


Lewa stood expectantly in front of Moremi hall. Dieko was never late. She wondered if perhaps he was caught up in traffic. Usual Lagos, maybe it was time to seriously consider going back to Ibadan. She laughed at loud at the thought, her parents would not even let her through the gate. The circumstances in which she had left home two years ago was not something she liked to remember. She missed her mum but what could she do? She was the black sheep of her family. She put those thoughts aside and focused her mind on tonight. She had been keeping Dieko waiting, playing the role of the traditional girl with him. She was anything but that. She had met Dieko at a club some months back.  She could still remember it like yesterday.

Rema's ' Dumebi ' had been playing in the background. She had been sipping her wine and laughing with her club friends when she had caught a glimpse of him from afar talking to someone with a serious expression. She had thought at the time that he was really handsome. He was tall and lean and the body hug top he wore highlighted his abbs well. The suit jacket he wore on gave him the aura of a ruthless businessman. Her eyes travelled to his face. Damn this guy is too sexy to be living she had thought. His well-chiselled jaw and piercing brown eyes with those not so thin lips that were begging for a kiss. On top of everything, he was hot black. She had never seen anyone that looked so good in that complexion. She had imagined him running his fingers up her body. It was then she had noticed the diamond ring on his left finger. A frown had crossed her face then, but then what did it matter? Most of the men she hooked up with were married anyway, some with even children that were her agemates.

' Easy na. You won use your eye commot the bobo ' she had turned around to see one of her recent hookups he happened to be the man her ' crush ' had been talking to.

' leave me joore. Na your eye I dey take look am? ' she had retorted. She had given James a look over, he was probably one of the few hookups she had been with that was handsome. He was tall and well-muscled but it didn't just end there he was good in bed. Her episodes with him had been memorable.

She had turned her attention back to her newfound crush and they had locked eyes. She had blushed while looking away quickly like she had been caught red-handed stealing candies.

' he likes oldfashioned women, you know what I mean don't you? And between us you're far from it ' James had whispered into her ear before leaving her alone to her thoughts

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