11. Carla 's sadness

Night passed soon . Well the dreams of it was terrifying . Emily got up first. Emily waked us . She served us the food and after eating the food we got fresh and called everyone and said them to get ready and gather in the entrance of the jungle. After some hours we gathered in the entrance of the jungle.We stepped in and after sometime Emily screamed , we asked her what happend . She said that , look there we turned our heads and we saw a wild cat . Oh yeh Margaret yelled at Emily . We all started laughing and soon rolling in the ground out of laugh . Okay back to serious mode , Mia said . After viewing everyone , I can notice that everyone was good except Carla . Her skin was quite pale and that was quite weird . I asked her what happened when everyone wasn't nearby . We had already entered the jungle , everyone was walking in the direction . She was first quite and scared from my question . I didn't know why . When she felt comfortable and relaxed , she told me that her parents are actually some kind of people related to criminal activities . When Carla came to knew about it , her parents or so call parents which actually weren't her parents . She was adopted by them as they wanted to keep a reputation of being kind and generous . Her parents tried to nearly kill Carla . I asked her why did they keep Carla save till now . She also didn't know till now . She just fled away when they were rushing here and there to capture her .