The New City

Hi my name is Marcus Squirrel and my life story is such a mess that I've recorded it in a book all of it's own. I'm a male anthro red squirrel with black paws, forearms and shins. I have a white groin and belly fur while the tip of my tail is also white while the tip of my ears are black. The rest of my fur is a deep red. As for my eyes their a majestic sapphire or that's what I've always been told.

One thing that was a constant in my life growing up was that I was always picked on because I was different. You see I've never lived in a place with so many furries. In fact I was the only anthro in my hometown, thus as soon as I graduated from high school I moved out here and applied for police academy.

I may be a stranger in this city but at least I'm not a lone squirrel, well I'm the only squirrel I've seen thus far but I'm not the only anthro here. In fact the whole city is full of anthros. What is this amazing new city? None other then Anthrotopia! Here I was able to easily get a simple four bedroom two bath cabin. I use two rooms as guest rooms and one as an office while the biggest one is my room.

I didn't bother buying a car because well I can walk most places and once I graduate I get a cruiser provided by the department. That and I'd rather save up for my dream car, a sapphire Shelby Cobra with white wall tires. As for other pleasure items well I really didn't plan on needing anything at this time because well I'd rather focus on my studies.

Well that was three years ago and now I'm getting ready to walk across the platform for my Anthrotopian Police Department Advanced Academy Graduation. Nervously I stand there in my black dress uniform with all of its decorations and awards, waiting my turn as the only person in my graduating class to have aced every class and to be graduating with a command post over seeing a team of specialists. I'm also the youngest Lt on the whole force at the age of twenty one, which does get me some angry glances from classmates as well as other officers that will be working out of the same building as me.

"Now for our valedictorian, the newest Lt. and head of our new crime lab, Lt. Marcus Squirrel." called the police chief, a well built bulldog.

With a sigh I march slowly to the podium according to the way I had rehearsed over the last week. Once at the podium I look out at the crowd of media, classmates, and civilians before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I started my speech without once needing to look at my note cards.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Anthrotopia, with my new team we plan to help the department cut the city crime rate every year until we've completely erased it all together. The police are all one team and we will rise and fall together. I hope to make my team a key part of our future success." I declare as I take a short break to look around once more at everyone before adding, "I know I'm the new guy in town as of three years ago and haven't hit the pavement as some of the more experienced officers on the force and I would be a fool to think myself better then them because I tested good enough to be made Lt. In fact I plan to use the experience of these officers to help my team and the force in the greatest way possible."

With that I nodded to the police chief before turning and heading back to my seat. The graduation continued with the last few announcements before we were all dismissed and I headed right for my new office. Now I wasn't due to start for another three days but I wanted to meet my team and get my office in order.

So I start walking from the public park where we had the ceremony about three to four blocks to the Anthrotopian Police Department Head Quarters. It was a tall steal building with walls of bullet proof one way glass that allowed the police to watch over the city while not being noticed. My office slash the main crime lab is on the twenty-fifth floor with its own privet elevator to the vault, a military grade bunker for evidence lock up and file storage. It also has a small fallout center in case of emergency lockdowns.

I stroll up to the front doors and try to use my keycard only for it to fail. I look down at it before trying two more times, both failed. Great they haven't activated my card yet. Now what am I supposed to do?

"Hay Red you lock yourself out?" teasingly asked a young female tan hare with brown and black spots and green eyes about my age. She was wearing a long white lab coat over blue jeans and a black t-shirt with one of my tv shows characters on it.

"No my card hasn't been activated yet, since I technically don't start until Monday." I explain waving my keycard.

"So trying to sneak in and get the best cubical in the rookie den ah Red?" joked the hare before spotting the name plate on my uniform and the clearance level indicator on my key card before snapping to attention and saying, "I'm so sorry sir I didn't mean anything by the nickname sir. Also no offense but to be completely honest I was really expecting someone older."

"At ease. I'm not officially an officer until Monday." I reply with a smile. She was a cute hare and she seems to like me. I then look at her chest, no I wasn't checking her out. Okay that's a lie but it wasn't the only reason for looking at her chest. So after checking what her name was I asked, "So Ms. O'Hare. Is there any chance a fine lady like yourself would scan your card for me to get into the building to talk with the HR department?"

"I guess I don't see a problem with that sir, but I'm not sure if they're done getting your office cleaned out." shyly confessed the hare as she pulled out her own keycard and swiping it.

"Cleaned out? It should be a brand new office?" I confusingly ask, "In fact I was hoping to actually check out the lab and the team that was going to be working out of it."

"Lab? Lt. Squirrel do you mean they're giving us a lab?" asked Ms. O'Hare excited as she opened the door for me.

"Wait you're one of my techs? Don't you already have a lab?" I replied now even more confused then before. I smile and even wink when I add, "And you can call me Marcus or Red if you'd like"

"Oh I don't think that'd be appropriate sir. I shouldn't have called you Red in the first place Lt. Squirrel." replied Ms. O'Hare as she then pointed to the far side of the lobby and added, HR is over there and if you still wish to see our "lab" as you put it take the elevator to sub basement three then were the first door on the left. I'll go let everyone know you're on your way sir."

She then scurried off before I had a chance to respond though it wasn't a bad sight watching her leave. I then sighed and reminded myself that she is one of my employees and I have to remain professional. With that I turn and made my way towards the HR office to get my keycard activated. As I enter this grumpy looking tan and light brown cat was sitting at a desk glaring at me.

"Hello. I'm Lt. Marcus Squirrel and my keycard isn't reading at the back door and I know I don't technically start until Monday but I was hopping to get an early start on setting up my office and possibly meet my team." I explain with a polite wave, "So is there any chance you'd be able to activate it for me?"

"If you don't start until Monday then you're not supposed to be here. Please give me the name and badge number of the officer who let you in." scolded the HR rep.

"Excuse me?" I asked offended by her actions. Was she saying that Ms. O'Hare was going to be punished for letting her future boss into the building. I get ready to inform her it was the chief when I here the door open behind me and I spin around to see the chief of police standing there.

"Lt. Squirrel what are you doing here? You can't have a personal issue already since you haven't even started yet." confusingly asked the chief.

"He wants his keycard activated early but that isn't going to happen sir. He was also about inform me of the officer who let him in so proper measures can be taken." replied the HR Rep with a smile.

"Why?" asked the chief, "Lt. Squirrel graduated with the best scores the academy has ever seen. He also out ranks a large amount of officers in this building and seeing as he's in his dress uniform they'd instantly notice his rank and let him in so no need to punish someone for opening the door for a commanding officer. Plus, he needs to oversee the finalization of his lab before Monday because that's when his team gets started on their first case."

"Sir?" asked the HR Rep confused.

"Activate his card so he can get back in over the next few day." replied the chief before turning to me and adding, "Go meet your team I have a meeting with your captain and then we can discuss your plans for your top of the line team."

"Thanks sir." I replied as I salute the chief before turning to leave HR and head for the elevator.

Once inside the elevator I examined the buttons. My letter from the chief said my office and lab was on the twenty-fifth floor but according to Ms. O'Hare it was on sub basement three. She has no reason to trick me but why would I be told one thing from the chief and something completely different from one of my future techs. So I sigh and decide to trust Ms. O'Hare and if anything I'll at least amuse her.

It didn't take the elevator long to reach sub basement three and as the doors open I raise an eyebrow a the lights flicker making finding any of the doors read able, yet I did manage to find a door labeled "Crime Lab" I slowly turn the door knob and then struggle to pushed the door open and to my horror and slight surprise there was a crime lab in there and it was the farthest from the high tech lab I was promised.

Everyone stopped form their work to look at me struggling once more with door just to close it again only to finally just give up. I then struggle to climb over boxes of random things at which point Ms. O'Hare saw me and screamed, "Lt. Squirrel you came!"

"I debated on whether or not this was a joke or a prank, but my gut told me to trust you." I replied as I looked around before asking her, "Is this really the lab and my team?"

"Yes sir I'd give you a tour but we've found it best to not move around too much." replied Ms. O'Hare.

"Alright team, I'm Lt. Squirrel and in this lab you can call me Marcus. Same goes for when were off the clock, but outside of this lab when on duty it's Lt. Squirrel. If after sometime of working together you wish to use a nickname than run it by me first and we'll see." I reply looking around at my team, "Other then that have a good weekend and I'll see everyone Monday morning."