Dreams & Secrets

    After getting Ruby in bed I watched Marcus leave part of me wanting to kiss him though I was still scared of his strength. I just sigh as he shuts the door to go about whatever he plans to do while I begin to undress and climb in bed with Ruby. Now this felt odd for two reasons, the first obviously being that I've never shard a bed with anyone before. Secondly it was a girl I was sharing a bed wit and I'm gay.

    Well at least she was fast asleep and clothed. I curl up and drift off to sleep, and as I sleep I have a weird yet happy dream or at least it started that way. In my dream I was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown. Wedding music was playing and I started down the isle and though I couldn't see the groom's face I saw all of my friends present and cheering me on. It was happy and peaceful, almost too good to be true.

    Just then I felt a someone touching my groin. I look down puzzled there was no one near me yet the feeling didn't go away. First it was almost as if my balls were being rubbed and then my sheath. Then an eerie laughter that I hadn't heard for ten years broke out just as I'd reached the alter. I froze in fear as my father who I'd not seen in ten years pulled a knife out and slit my grooms neck spraying me with blood as he fell dead to the ground.

    My father then jumped on me and tried to get at my balls and sheath but I struggled and fought. Just then my elbow connected with something and I heard a grunt before I fell. With a thud I woke up on the floor panting oh it was just a dream, but when I started to get back in bed I noticed Ruby rubbing her cheek and I felt bad. That is until I realized my Penis was erect and her one paw smelled of me.

    "Sorry Damien I must of smelled Marcus' scent on the pillow and when I felt your balls and sheath must've assume it was him. Can you forgive me?" asked Ruby still rubbing her cheek.

    "Well I did elbow you in the cheek so I think we're partially even." I sigh as I look at the clock it had only been an hour and thanks to my dream I really can't sleep.

    "Hay Damien you know if were quiet we could look through his closet and draws to see what kind of things he's into?" suggested Ruby with a smile.

    "I really don't want him getting mad at us. I'm already afraid of what he'll think when he finds out that I'm not a girl." I confess as I sit back on the bed.

    "It'll keep me from being tempted to fondle you again." teased Ruby as she moved one paw over to my leg.

    "Sometimes I wonder how we are friends." I huff as I bat her paw a way and use my pillow to hide my balls, sheath and fully erect penis.

    "Ouch, someone is a bit feisty." huffed Ruby as she shakes her paw and gives me her patented frowny face that gets me every time.

    "Sorry just a really bad dream. Well actually the whole thing wasn't bad just the ending." I confess looking down at the floor, "But then again wo'd ever want to marry me?"

    "Hay you never know Damien. The right guy will cum for you." seductively replied Ruby with a paw on my pillow. She knows her ways have no effect on me but she also know it makes me laugh when she uses word plays.

    "Well lets both look in one area and only for a short time and then we really should get some sleep." I sigh knowing she'd never give up seeing as it would most likely be some time before she'd find herself in Marcus' bedroom again.

    So I took the closet and clicked on its light. He had some beautiful suits even though they were only pants and vest no jackets. Then tucked in the back I could faintly see what looked like three lovely dresses. Part of me wanted to try them on but the other part told me to keep them to myself. Ruby would be hurt if she knew about them. The only other thing I saw was four cosplay costumes; one of a star fighter fox, one of a two tailed tan fox, one of a red three tailed fox and one of a purple alicorn with dark purple with a streak of pink mane and tail. Only one had actual clothes the others seemed to have openings for his sheath and balls as well as his ass.

    with a shrug I turn off the light and close the door and when I turn around I find Ruby holding a thing of annal beads that were metal but each ball was half red and half white with a black line in the middle in one paw. In her other paw she had four pairs of fuzzy handcuffs. She was also grinning.

    "You should see the things I found. Man is he got some kinky toys especially of this pony. He also seems to like foxes as well. I really don't get the point in the annal plugs with tails though." sighed Ruby as she set the handcuffs down and started to sniff the annal beads. "I wonder if he keeps all these toys for whatever girl he brings home with him."

    "More like for himself when he's lonely." I mumbled before realizing what I had said only hoping she'd not heard me.

    "Hmm what was that?" asked Ruby still feeling the annal beads. This made my heart calm down allowing me to think of a better response.

    "Or for the lady he wishes to bring here. Remember he's still new to town and hasn't really found anyone that we know of that is." I reply with a smile glade she'd not heard my real response.

    Well after a bit of arguing with her to put the things back we finally went to bed and this time I made sure to keep a layer of blankets between us. Yet for some reason I could fall asleep right away. Was what we found evidence that he was gay. No I've seen how he looks at Ruby, he can't be gay. Then again he looks at me the same way and it's hard for me to believe that he still thinks I'm a girl. But then again I've fooled so many people already.

    My mind kept circling back to the costumes, the dresses, and the sex toys. Now granted I don't have a clue how any of them work but they look like toys for a man to use not a girl, and they don't mimic sex with a girl either. Then after bouncing all of this around in my head trying to find a way to fall asleep it all clicked. He wasn't gay but he also wasn't straight. No Marcus Squirrel was Bi. So I had a chance with him, why this excited me I wasn't really sure since I'm still a bit scared of him.

    As I finally drifted off to sleep I found myself fondling myself not to check that they were still there but just because it felt good and thinking about Marcus made me feel good and part of me wanted him to be fondling me so I guess until then I'd have to just do it myself.

    In the morning I woke up before Ruby did so I tried to make sure everything was back the way it was supposed to be. As she started to stir and yawn she smiled at me before saying, "You know you never told me what you found in the closet."

    "Oh." I replied as I started to get dressed, "That's because it was nothing. Just a bunch of suits."

    "Really?" asked Ruby as she stretched and to my horror she had Marcus' annal beads tufted up her ass.

    "Yes just a bunch of suits. Maybe a few pairs of jeans." I lied but that didn't matter and I glared at her with my paws on my hips.

    "What?' she asked noticing my glare to which I just pointed at her groin which caused her to blush. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that."

    "You said you put everything back." I scolded and all I could think about was how mad Marcus was going to be. I quickly finished getting dressed before adding, "Roll over and get on you knees and stick your but in the air. I'll pull them out and then while I distract him you go clean them and then put them back and don't touch anything else."

    "Yes master." teased Ruby as she slowly rolled over sticking her ass in the air swaying from side to side. I slowly grabbed the handle on the end of the beads and started to pull on them which only made her moan and being this close to her vagina and smelling her pre cum and vaginal fluids was about to make me throw up.

    Pop. There was the first ball only five more to go and Ruby was already panting from pleasure. She was going to be useless. So I pulled again and she clenched her butt making it harder for me to get it out but when it did budge I got two balls with a double pop.

    "Stop clenching this isn't a game. Part of me is half tempted to leave you like this." I scolded as I started to pull again. Now the balls each got smaller as I went but it still didn't help her fighting me and clenching her anal muscle making the las few harder for me.

    Then with all my strength I pulled the final ball out but I had been using so much force that I lost balance and landed on my back to which I froze in fear because looking up my eyes met his. How long had he been there? How much did he hear? What was he going to do to us?

    "Hay don't stop on my account. Though I wish you would've refrained from doing so on my bed." teasingly called Marcus which made Ruby flip around with a whole new surge of energy. She then quickly covered herself before looking at me horror struck. As for me I was surprised at the gentleness in his voice.

    "What?" he continued seeing as we're both too afraid to speak. "If I was afraid of you finding something I wouldn't have let you sleep in my room. I know how much you like me Ruby and how you got Dani to flirt with me to make sure I wasn't gay. What makes you think I wouldn't expect you to search my things with the first chance you got to sleep in my room."

    "So you're not made at us?" I nervously ask from the floor. Yes I was still on my back mostly too afraid to move but also I got a good look at his balls and sheath in his pants from this view. I could also see he liked seeing Ruby propped up like that so my theory must be right.

    Just then he squats down to help me up or I think that was his plan I was too taken in by his sweet scent and his balls being so close to my muzzle. My mouth even began to water and for some reason this made him smile. But this feeling left as he grabbed my paw and helped me stand shaking his head he turned to leave only to stop at the door and add, "Please clean yourselves and this mess up before coming to breakfast. Oh and next time ask first."

    I look at Ruby who was hiding in shame and embarrassment so I walk over to the bed a yank the blankets off her and place my paws on my hips before saying, "We were almost busted you're luck he likes you or we'd be in trouble."

    "How would you know?" snapped Ruby as she pulled her knees to her chest.

    "Because I could she his bulge getting big at the sight of you being naked on his bed." I replied before walking to her side of the bed and grabbing her clothes to throw them at her. "Now get dressed."

    "Well I guess you did get a good view of him from the floor." teased Ruby with a smile as she started to get dressed.

    Once she was dressed we both worked to clean the mess up and I made the bed while she used the master bathroom to wash the annal beads before putting them back. After that we both walked out of the bed room to find a well prepared non-meat breakfast. Marcus then smiled at us before giving us a wink that said it would be our little secret. Now this only made me and Ruby blush to the point of having to try and hide our faces as we found our seats at the table.