We all were shown our seat and first I was bummed I wouldn't get to sit by Marcus but then I realized the only person I was close enough to talk to was Ruby. The dreaded conversation was bound to come up. So I took a slow breath before turning to face Ruby but before I could even ask a question she was already speaking.
"So Damien we haven't gotten to really talk much since the trial. How's your mom doing?"
"Oh she's fine in fact I think she's a lot happier now that dad is locked away and can never get us." I reply with a smile. Some how that made me happy as well.
"You two doing anything for Christmas?" she asked before taking a bite of her meatless plate. It was at that point once again I realized Marcus made a meat focused meal even though me and Mya are the only meat eaters. But then again he was eating the meat as well.