Back To The Grind

So after a wonderful time with Damien that I really didn't wish had to stop we head for the lab to which Damien kept trying to give me a blowjob while I was driving though I didn't want to risk an accident or at least that's what I told him.

Once I parked I sent him down to the lab knowing I had the captain waiting for me. So watching his fine ass as he scurried off into the station I thought over what I wanted to report to the captain. Just then as walk through the door I walk right up to the desk were the captain was flirting with a female officer.

"Captain Lupus, I hear you wanted to see me." I called as I neared the two of them trying not to get frustrated with his continued lack of proffesionalism.

"Lt. Squirrel has your crack pot team of nerds solved the case yet?" mockingly asked the captain cause those around to laugh.