So It Begins

    Shortly after Marcus and the DA went into the interrogation room me and Mya decided to go for a drink run to help me clear my head and get some fresh air. To do this we chose to walk to one of the farther out stands. As we walked Mya thought it best we discuss a few things.

    "Damien dear, how are you doing?" asked Mya as we walked down the streets.

"The fresh air is helping a bit but I still can't get his face out of my head." I sigh as a just look at my feet as we walk.

"Damien that's not what I meant." replied Mya stoping and looking me in the eyes before adding, "Sweetie I'm talking about the fact Marcus once more didn't tell anyone about the two of you."

"Oh that." I sighed not really wanting to talk about it but knowing Mya wont let it go until we talk about it so I give her a half smile and say, "He has his reasons and when he's ready well I know he'll tell the whole world."