
A few days pass since the night in which I cut myself in the shower. So now as I enter the store I quickly noticed that one of the store's cooperate heads, a large orange male tiger with green eyes and a black pin striped suit that looked like he meant business, was walking through out the whole store with Diane and the main store manager, a mean looking brown male bulldog who never seemed to look happy as his black beady eyes glared at you.

With a sigh I headed to my department and got right to work with my daily tasks not wanting to hear from any of my co-workers about anything at this time. Now I think Marcus, easy to spot white tiger, thinks he's being sneaky but I have just been ignoring the fact he's lurking around the corners watching me. The same can be said with how Diane has been keeping an eye on me as well. I don't know what their up to but if they think they can change my mind about things they're wrong.