James’ Backstory

Being the first born often means you don't get to have as much fun or freedom but in James' case his mom and dad both worked so he was in the paws of a babysitter most of his childhood.

Age One:

A new family of foxes moved in next door. They seem to be a young couple. The husband, a large red fox, worked a lot and the wife, a beautiful fennec, became James' babysitter that way he wouldn't be too far away from home. This made his mother feel more comfortable leaving him alone while both her and James' father worked.

As for James he really liked her in fact she might have been his first crush if he'd know what it was even to be in love. All he knew was he liked her differently then he like his mother. He even would paw her breasts which made her giggle as she assumed he was trying to get some milk when in truth he just wanted to feel her breast up. To him they felt better then his mothers and he got more joy from the vixen's breast.

Age Four: