Joy’s Backstory

Joy was the first born of three and though it wasn't until her wedding night that she'd get drunk enough to tell us her complete story. The parts that we couldn't get from Diane that is. This is that part of her tale.

Age One:

As first born she was spoiled and given whatever she wanted. She also had what at the time was considered the best baby things available. She had the best clothes and her mommy always stayed home to care for her. Joy even had some special toys that she later would learn weren't actually meant for babies or even cubs for a mater of fact.

One of these toys was a little double plug like thing that she had to keep in her and plugged both her vagina and her ass at the same time. The only time she was allowed to take it out was to use the bathroom. At first this was weird but when her mother would turn on the vibrate setting it gave her a weird but good feeling.

Age Four: