Car Ride

"Yes sir." replied Officer Demarco before turning to face me with a look that almost told me exactly what I've secretly have feared with Marcus being a police officer. Officer Demarco then hung up his phone before turning to his partner along with the other officers who'd since showed up to help manage the situation before adding, "Miles, you and Officer Franklin escort the driver to booking while Officer Tombs you ride in the ambulance with the shooter and remember Lt. Squirrel wants him unharmed. As for me I'm to escort Mr. Kutsine here to the hospital to meet up with the Lt."

"Umm…" started one of the officers reaching for his radio.

"That's the Lt.'s orders." replied Officer Demarco as he placed his paw on my shoulder leading me back to my car. Part of me wanted to ask him what was the issue but another part of me told me exactly what it was.