What Now?

"So, what do we do now sir?" I asked in hopes of changing the subject to something more cheery and up lifting.

"Well, like I mentioned I'm going to have a word with the commissioners while you all just wait here for the doctors to return with an update on Officer Snow." replied Lt. Squirrel with a fake smile that was meant to hide how much he was hurting yet I could still tell. "Please comfort each other for it is what Officer Snow would want you to do as you wait to hear his fate. I will return when I have more answers for you."

With that Lt. Squirrel left the waiting room and I caught a glimpse of Damien texting something which was bit odd seeing as his phone hadn't gone off and Lt. Squirrel had just left thus he was sending a message to someone about something but then again he does work for the police thus it had to be work related.

"So, Damien was it, you witnessed our brother's murder?" asked Joy as she took his paw ever so softly and almost mother like.