To Protect And Serve - Part One

Meanwhile, I was sitting at Marcus' desk watching his speech while the rest of the team worked on their current case, which was a double homicide in the park. It really didn't require legal aid at this time thus I sat watching the speech. As for Mya well she figured she'd go for a drink run with her police guard that is, since neither Mya, Mia or myself were ever allowed outside the building without police presence. It was a lot to get used to but I personally wish he'd give me more male officers yet part of me thinks Marcus knew better and that's why I got all female officers while the other two both got male officers.

Then part of the way through Marcus' speech I noticed something and it really scared me. It scared me so much I grabbed my phone and searched for the correct number to contact and when I did I sent out the text, "Marcus is in danger emergency team needed out front of one police plaza."