A First For Some, But Not Others

I rounded the corner and bump into a male human which was strange as we don't really ever get any visits from humans in the city in fact the only reason I can think for humans to be here is to give Marcus blood. Yet then again the only human compatible was his brother. So as he brushed past me I took ahold of his hand in my paw and looked him in the eye.

"Oh, for the gods sake, please don't slap me again." sighed the man.

"So my guess was right. You are Marcus' brother." I exclaimed before giving him a huge hug. "Thank you for coming again to help him."

"I didn't just come to help him nor was my help needed. It seems he's been having the hospital keep his blood on hand ever since umm well your father shot him." confessed the man.

"Still it means a lot to him and me that you're here." I replied with a smile, "I actually wanted to ask you something but Marcus never told me your name so I could never search you out."