What’s Going On?

Me, Ruby and Officer Snow had our eyes glued to the TV in anticipation as we watched to see what was going on then it happened. The commissioner said those words that made all three of our hearts sink. Those words we never expected him to say. He told the mayor to keep Marcus' badge, but what didn't make any sense was that Marcus wasn't doing anything about it. He just stood there as if he'd not been phased one bit by the comment.

"That no good son of a…" I started as I also began to stand up only to find Mya's strong paw holding me in place. I turned to glare at her and ask, "How can this not bother you? The commissioner just gave the mayor what he wanted! Marcus' badge, its the start of his cleaning house to stop our case. Next will be Officer Snow and then you and Mia! Is that what you want?"

"No, but I know Marcus and I know he wont let us loose our jobs without a fight." replied Mya with a smile that almost calmed me down.