Family Tree - Part One

"I'll show him immoral actions!" I snapped as soon as we were in the car and I started down the road heading home.

"Ummm, Marcus old pal do you mind not trying to kill all of us?" half teased Officer Snow from the back seat where he as sitting between Mia and Mya just because that was the way we'd chosen to car pool.

"You know Marcus, dear I can think of two ways to get your mind of those losers and have fun at the same time." suggested Damien as he slide his paw into my paw that wasn't on the wheel.

"Sorry, Damien my love but I'm not really in the mood to mate right now." I sighed as I started to relax a bit with him holding my paw.

"You, not in the mood to mate? Umm, who are you and what have you done to me sexy squirrel bed buddy?" jokingly asked Officer Snow with his ever charming and slightly seductive smile.

"He just got called a useless waste of space and time." I confessed with a sigh.