News of The Heir

So it has been a really crazy and busy week at he office and though I normally only work a half day on Saturdays I figured it was best to just make it a full day and hope to get some extra work done. At least that was the plan but when Damien didn't come in for lunch like he's been doing I got a bit worried to which only got worse when Mya poked her head in my office.

"Sir what are you still doing here?" asked a confused Mya as she was apparently on her way to pick up Mia.

"I figured since you and Damien have been working late I'd just stay at the office and try to get some extra work done around here." I replied a bit confused on the fact she was even there and not with Damien thus I asked, "Speaking of which have you seen Damien, he normally comes in to have lunch with me and seeing as you're here I really figured he would be too?"