Our Little Gem - Part One

So after showering I exited the room giving my replacement a nod. Oh we weren't going to leave him alone to mope in self pity like he'd wish no I plan to keep someone in there with him at all times to make sure he knows exactly how childish he's being. I then sighed before walking over to Ray look down in the little oak crib at Ruby's cub that had a part of both of his fathers in him. He was a blue, like me, yet a hare, like his mother, with a white muzzle and belly like Marcus. His paws were red also like Marcus while his tail was a mix of all three of our colors. Though the eyes were the hardest of all to look at and a part of me wonder who's penis he got but I quickly shook that thought away.

"He has is mother's eyes." softly commented Ray as he noticed me looking the baby over really for the first time since he came home.

"Yes, and many of both of his father's features." I added with a half smile.