An Encouraging Word

This Chapter was originally panned to be a special bonus chapter for anyone who ordered the physical copy of the first book or what is the first volume on here. The plan before I found this site was to release each volume as it's own book both there and physical but because digital wasn't a pay to read at the time I planned on releasing the physical book with two bonus chapters. Now this changed when I shifted the story over here as the contract made the plans for the physical to not be needed and the bonus chapters weren't really needed to the story to progress so thus they were cut until now.


  It had only been a few days since visiting the police station and meeting Marcus. He seemed nice and even a bit hurt that I ran off at him touching me but I was scared. What if he hated me because I not really a girl? What would he do then? This only made me want to be more scared of him then I already was but then for some odd reason I felt like I could trust him.