Bambi’s Tale - Part Two

So as with the past chapter this was originally mean to follow one of the Mile High Club Chapters but as you can tell it became way too long to be a part of one of those chapters as well as it would've hindered or messed with the flow of the story overall thus it was cut and moved to here. So please sit back and enjoy and let me know what you think about this and if you think it should've been kept in the main story or not.


So the Friday after his birthday Bambi was loading his bags into his dilapidated car to head off to get Matthew before going to his surgical procedure. Now he'd secretly set up the appointment housing for the weekend. As for what he told his parents well he mostly told them he was going to the capital city for a sports game with a his friend Matthew from church. He told him the church they would be attending on Sunday and what time they'd be back before school was to start again.