Time Passes (Fixing)

(2:14 pm)

Some minutes have passed and a bunch of "It" started since they have fought. They're still fighting on and surprisingly "It" didn't lose with its small size. looking at "It," Min thinks.

'Shouldn't it be going after its human target? This might get annoying narrating all of the "it's" "It?" you know what I'll name all of the "It's" later I'll just describe all of them as one.

Min looks at the Mutant with bodies sticking out making its shape.


'It looks disgusting.'

"Wait so that must mean that the target must be inside it. So from looking at that mutant with the bodies sticking out everywhere from it. The body was eaten so it should still be in there. The person should be mixed inside with the mutant.

So that means the mutant is now the target mostly because it had fused with it.

Min watches "It" clawing the mutant. "It" claws at the mutant who isn't fighting back for some reason. "It" claws the mutant which should be called HJ-21 from what can be seen from a metal piece sticking out of HJ-2.

"It" rips and keeps ripping going deep into the blob-like gross mutant making body parts and blood start to gush out from it, The mutant even has proper organs that are sliced into pieces or spurts out with "It" missing the organs or parts.

"It" was winning starting to enter its insanely big body with body parts and blood starting to slowly seep into the pool of blood. "It" starts to go inside of it.

'I'm going to throw up. That is the most disgusting thing I've seen."


"Why the hell would I want to watch this?" Questioning her insanity.

Min thinks.

"Hmm...If I wait "It" will kill the mutant thing and then "it" will disappear…"

"It" is ripping the mutant inside out.

"...I'll just wait for here without looking. Patience as some say."

Looking away Min waits until "It" finishes off the mutant. After a while, Min could not hear anything other than hearing "It" Screaming. Min looks to see "It" going into the ground with ashes following "it."

Watching the ashes go into the ground Min says.

"I guess "It" doesn't evolve in just one line but many lines separating from each other."

Min stands up and goes around the corpse that is not bloating or getting and smaller anymore

"Finally I can leave this damn place."

Walking around the blood pool that came from the mutant. After going through the big door, Min could see that light was shining brightly from the ceiling, endless doors leading to different areas. It was eerily silent. looking at the hallways Min could the hallways were getting smaller to a natural height of what a hallway would usually look like.

"This is completely different from what I'd imagine it would like since that mutant thing came through and everything else that happened?"

Min looking around could see a door that says armory.

"...It would be such a coincidence that my weapons and some others are in there." says with sarcasm.

Min opens the door only for the door to open for her sliding into the wall. Min enters and sees that there was a bunch of lockers and Min's bolt action rifle and her bag on the side of the locker. The door closes behind having some lights shine the room.

"Ok, I was just kidding when I said that. They could've just separated them and do whatever the hell they would do other than this."

Min takes the bag and her weapon the bolt rifle onto the side of her backpack. While wearing the backpack.

"I wonder how Arial is doing?"

(On Arial side)

*Storm and explosions*

Sounds of moans could be heard from mutants that were shaped weirdly.

"I'll save you whatever it takes!! Just grab one and don't look down where they are!!" Ava yells.

"I-I can't!! I'm too weak!" As she cries,

"Just F**king grab on you wimp!! Your already f**king 13 years old this no time to act like an actual teen. Also, stop crying like you were on the damn radio like a little kid It's getting f**king annoying!!"

(Back to Min)

"...yeah I'm sure Ava is doing fine" Min thinking.

Min looks around and sees that there lockers that were closed off.

"I think I can break into this even if I don't have the tools to do this."

Min looks around and sees cables were connected to the lockers from the back but it was too tight to reach between the lockers even with Min's small and slender body.

"Well, at least I found the wiring."

Min thinks of cutting the wire with her bayonet which is practically invincible.

"I should be able to cut it if I attach it to my bolt rifle."

Min attaches the bayonet to the bolt rifle since it was off when she first found it. Min points it at and goes through and cuts off the cables which were really easy to cut off.


The locker starts to open dramatically with light and foggy gas coming out of it. When the foggy gas wore off Min could see that were a lot of ammunition with a magnificent pistol that looked like it was modified. Min takes the pistol out of the locker and holds it in her hand. Min could feel it was strangely alive somehow. Multiple thin little needles start to go into her hand sucking her blood out slowly.

"Ow! What the f**k!?" Surprised.

The pistol shines brightly in Min's hand. Electricity starts to spaz out from it turning from blue which was like her bolt rifle to dark red making the pistol look deadly while it was still producing a little bit of electricity in the barrel.

On the side of the pistol, it had a name. The name was "Levin" as in thunderbolt. I could feel it was alive. It was part of me now.

"...For me to have some plot weapon for myself this must mean something big is going to happen. I guess having a long bolt rifle for close combat isn't that good...wait the more I think about it I found this bolt rifle in one of my old friends' garage as an antique long ago that's still working somehow and the bayonet was on it looking as if it was made in this era...I really need to review how my power actually works. But first I have to figure a way out of here. not going into the details of what else is inside there I should just take the ammo."

Levin refuses and shocks Min. Taking some blood for her.

"Ow, I guess you don't want the ammo."

Levin telepathically tells Min something.

"All I need is your blood you know".

"I guess so," Min says.

"You don't look surprised?"

"Too much is happening right now. First, my friend Ariel just disappears out of nowhere. Second I get caught in some insane organization or whatever this place is. Thirdly I just came into this city doing whatever the f**k was to be done here. And lastly, I'm f**king covered in blood!! I'm dirty now!"

"Seems like you've been through a lot? Would you like me to make all the blood go away?" As Levin, the pistol asks.

"Yeah sure do whatever you like and I still have a lot to say."

Levin the pistol starts to make crackling noises. Levin starts to produce lightning going all over Min's clothes making all the blood go away.

"Mmm, that tastes a bit good what's this taste?"

"I think it was some mutant...can you be quiet for a while."

Min could feel it was starting to get to her. Even if Min was strong-willed it was too much to take in some much has changed some of the past years. The world was in ruin although it looks like it was "The Start of the New World." Min just wanted to go back to the fun days before all of this apocalypse sh*t have ever happened.

'Your talking to yourself." Levin says.

"Shut up…I'm just going to stay here for a bit," Min says.

Min just lays her whole body on the cold floor putting everything to her side. Min starts to think of something feeling like time has moved faster than it should be. Min says something feeling as she hasn't said it for a long time while closing her eyes. She could feel that time is going to start to move fast for her if she closes her eyes.

"This is Min today's date is July 28 2302 I'ma take a nap now."

Date: 7/28/2302 2:30 pm