Unknown Secrets

"Min it's over here"

When I made it to Ava I could see a table. Getting closer to it the whole surface of the table was a black screen like what you would see when a TV is off.

"That's it?" I said.

"No look."

When I got closer to where Ava was, it activated. When it activated above the table we could see the hologram was seen through and lighting up the whole room in front of us.

The surface of the table had the exact same look as the hologram making the whole table see through for some reason. Looking at the above hologram half of the screen was full of files.

"What's all this?" I wondered.

"When the spider attack was happening I saw at a glance that this table was completely untouched by the spider. The table was a hologram so that was why the spider wasn't able to touch this.


"Interesting. Well I'll be checking the files in here. You should go back to Isra and talk or something." I said.


Ava gets out and talks to Ava.

I started to search through one of the files. In the file there was a bunch of experiment numbers and information from different test subjects like mutants, people and others that I haven't seen before. I looked at the rest of the files.

"From the information I gathered they seemed to have tried to prevent or control "It". Of course they failed the experiment terribly as they weren't ready for "It" even though they had about a year to make safety measures against "It."

"I'm surprised there are still so many people in this city." Ava says

"They're probably all dead now from what we saw from how many mutants were at the wall. The mutants are most likely them." I said.

"Didn't you tell me that the green gas is what turned them into mutants?"

"Well normal people that somehow survived that year (The Green Gas) will still have a chance to turn into a mutant. Unlike those that have powers.

I continued to search the rest of the files that were in here. The rest was almost the same thing except one.

Looking at the information on the table the file showed what's been happening in this city, apparently this city was used as a facility to find out what the green gas was and what's been falling onto this world even before the year (The Green Gas) it first happened.

Since then unusual organisms and objects have been coming into this world.

"Come to think of it, a lot of people of different origins knew about this situation before the end of the world thing ever happened from what I know from Ava and Isra.

There was a file on the other side of the screen with 4 videos in it and there was another file that locked me out of it.

I decided that I would look at the videos first before trying to get into that file. It started to transmit itself into the hologram showing an even wider screen of the video. I stood back while Ava watched with me.

The video was freaking out, Glitching and showing the word "Stop."

"What the hell?"

The video finally played itself. Looking at it there was still no sound. The video was just black and white.

In the video it showed us the same black container fully sealed. They put it up in a straight position inside another container.

I couldn't see anything inside of it but there were a bunch of people next to it.

Some were taking notes, some people were tapping using a telegraph of an ancient time. Then suddenly everything was shaking and went blank.

After the video ended I looked at the second video and it seemed like this age that these people lived in was a little more advanced than last time but the video was still in black and white.

Now there were people who looked like they would work in a lab.hey had some guards with them but they weren't equipped much but just an old weapon called a "Tommy Gun" .

The black container is more secure having more guards who look like mafias. There was a person that had their face covered up and it looked like this person was a prisoner of this place with the black and white striped clothes.

The guard pushed the prisoner who kept walking forward until he touched the black container.

It had started to slightly open. The people on the outside were shocked for a while but they got a hold of themselves and continued working focused more than they did before.

One of the scientists that took notes went closer to the prisoner that had his face covered. It looked like the scientist was calling out to him but the prisoner was standing there completely still.

The scientist approached the prisoner. Once he did, the prisoner suddenly turned around and grabbed his arm. And pulled him towards the black container. It started to widen more until it was big enough for the scientist's whole body.

Once it was wide enough the scientist struggled but the prisoner wouldn't bunch an inch until he pushed the scientist into it. The scientist was completely gone.

The guards were just standing still motionless as if they were being controlled. The prisoner pointed his finger beyond what I could see. The ones with the guns started to shoot the scientists that were left.

They scientists tried to run but it was already too late. They all started marching beyond what I could see from the screen.
