Casino (2)

(Author: Chapter 2 "An Encounter" has finished being fixed. The extension of the chapter is finally done and you can go back and read it if you'd like. This message will be deleted after the next update.)

Being able to get through the crowd there was a whole stage in front of me. I noticed some of them weren't as skinny and looked normal. The lights suddenly went dark only showing the stage with one mic stand on the stage.

Every other area of the casino still had its lights on from how far I can see over the people.

All I could see now was the light stage as the crowd got bigger. I couldn't go back anymore, getting pushed closer to the stage. Eventually, the crowd of people stopped and went silent.

A hologram of a person holding onto a mic appeared. If I didn't notice that the hologram was beaming up from under the stage I would've thought that the person was real.

He tapped the mic a few times until we could hear him

"Testing testing is the mic working?"