"...Your homework will be to write an essay on the history of the USA during the 18th to 19th century." Roger Gifford, my history teacher, informed the class.
[Quest has been created.]
[History Homework: Write an essay on the history of the USA during the 18th to 19th century.]
[Rewards: 100XP; A good grade if depending on how well the essay is wrriten]
[Failures: A poor grade]
[Duration: Until next History class.]
Absentmindedly I accepted the quest. This was the third one I got today, and all of them are about homework.
Today has been a weird day for me. I woke up seeing other people's names above their heads with a number for their levels right next to it.
I was also able to see my status. This is so weird.
"I can't believe this..." I whispered to myself.
Everything was so shocking, but I took it calmly if I say so myself. That's probably due to a skill I have.
[Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Immune to mental attacks.]
I have one more skill as well.
[Gamer's Body: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and cures negative effects.]
This. Is. So. Bullshit.
My life became a game, and I have no idea how it happened.
Yesterday I wasn't like this, and I don't remember doing anything that could've triggered it.
I went home after school. Did my homework. Logged in **** wrecked some noobs, and went to bed afterward.
"You can't believe vat?" I heard my friend ask me, and I looked at him.
That was one of the highest levels I've seen so far. Kurt was 18 levels higher than me! And he had that title Nightcrawler of the X-Men. That... sounds so creepy. Kurt, what are you doing during the night??
And the X-Men? Who are they? For some reason, I think I've heard about them somewhere, but I can't remember where. Or maybe I've seen them? I'm not sure.
"That we have to write a whole essay for homework. I remember the good times when we needed to write a few lines for homework. I will have less time to play games!"
I replied to him with calmness in my voice. I think that was also due to my Gamer's Mind.
[Skill created: Lying (Passive) Lvl 1/50]
My day was becoming weirder by the moment, but this was interesting. If I can create skills, what are the limits on that?
Lying was a mundane skill, but could I create something more... special? Like the ability of the Human Torch? He was my favorite member of the Fantastic Four.
Turning your whole body into fire sounds so cool. Until someone decides to douse you in water, but it was still cool!
"I get you. I vish I had more time to play. And sorry bout yesterday. I couldn't log in."
"It's okay, I made sure to wreck twice as many noobs when you weren't there to hold me back."
I told him with a cheeky grin.
He tapped me on the shoulder, and a -1HP alert popped up. Not cool, Kurt, not cool. Hit me 99 more times like that, and you will kill me.
"Ha, look at those nerds."
I turned to see another fellow 11th grader.
Okay, that was a thing. Apparently, Mortimer is a mutant, and if I had to guess his power, it was something to do toads. I'm a genius to figure it out.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom
Oh, baby! This game is easy.
So, was Kurt also a mutant then? With his high level and title? I'd say so.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom.
Oh, yeah. I'm on a roll!
So, let's see. His title is Nightcrawler. Hmm. Is he forced to crawl during the night? That's such a weird mutant power, but who am I to judge. I can't think of anything else other than that.
I don't hear the ding sound. So, I'm wrong, or I need to make more accurate conclusions. It's definitely the second.
Kurt turned out to be a mutant, huh? I still see him the same, I think. I know mutants have been getting some bad rep as of late, but he's never done me harm.
Unless I count his pranks. Then he has done me a lot of harm, but they were all harmless and fun in nature. That's how we became friends, to begin with.
Wait, am I also a mutant? I can't think of my ability as anything but that.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom.
Well, that answers that. Turns out, I'm also a mutant. In that case, I need to get stronger and do it quickly. I don't want to get hunted by those Friends of Humanity. I've seen some videos of what they do to mutants.
I don't think someone will easily be able to call me out as a mutant, but I still need the ability to protect myself.
[Quest has been created.]
[Level up: Increase your level to 2]
[Reward: Create ID; Escape ID]
[Failure: -]
[Duration: -]
That seems easy enough. I have three more quests, and each will give me 100XP upon completion.
There was a small problem with that, however. I'm not completely sure, but I think those quests will be considered complete only when I hand in my homework.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom.
Ahh, my wisdom is unmatched by any. Except those that are a higher level than me, but they don't count.
While Kurt and Mort were trading insults, I whispered, "Status."
[Name: William Williamson
Mutant Power: The Gamer
Level: 1 Next Level: 13%
Title: The Gamer]
[HP: 100
MP: 120]
[Strength: 10
Vitality: 10
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Luck: 10]
[Stat Points: 0
Cash: 14.50$]
Yeah, I know, you are thinking who would name their kid William Williamson. Apparently, my father did. He thought it will be funny. He was also drunk at that time.
My mother passed away during childbirth, and he couldn't stop himself from drinking. A few years later, he put a bullet in his head, and I've been living with my grandma since then.
Weird, I normally get depressed when I think about my mother. I still felt sad, but I was calmer about it. Gamer Mind was doing work, I suppose.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom.
This game is easy!
If the other stats are as easy to raise, how strong can I become?
Do I have a limit?
Or can I grow endlessly?
I will figure that out in the future, I guess.
Kurt and Mort were still trading insults while I packed my belongings in my backpack. I could've stored everything in my Inventory, but I don't want to show off my powers. At least, not yet.
"See ya, Kurt."
"See ya, Will."
While walking out of school, I watched the names and levels of every student in my sight. What I found surprised me. There were even more mutants studying here.
I also got a new skill, Observe. I checked the information about it.
[Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated, allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.]
That seemed like such a simple skill, but I wondered how useful it will become if I get it to a higher level. How much information will it provide?
On the way home, I kept using Observe on anything that I saw while thinking of how to use my powers.
Increasing my stats was the obvious thing to do.
Strength I guessed could be increased by doing physical activities like push-ups, lifting dumbbells, and etc.
Vitality I wasn't sure how to increase. From the description of the stat, I know that it increases my HP and HP regen, but I didn't know how one would go about increasing his vitality. I guess I could ask my trusty old pal, Google.
Dexterity was my speed. So, what, I had to run a lot? That seemed like the obvious choice.
Intelligence I can increase by reading a lot or learning new information. That already happened twice today in class.
Wisdom I can increase by making correct choices. I already increased that stat five times today. I was already a pro at that.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom
Make it six.
The next thing was skills. I already created two today, one active and one passive.
[Lying (Passive) 1/50: Increases the chance of you successfully lying by 2%]
Passive skills. That was something I wanted to see if I can get more off. I hoped there were ones that will give me a boost to my stats or something that just made me better.
Active skills could also be useful, but if I had enough Passive skills boosting me, I could become unstoppable. Muahahaha.
Increasing my Level was another way to become stronger. I supposed each level will give me stat points to use, but I think I will save those for the time being.
In a game, you usually want to use them the moment you get them. However, in games, you usually can't increase your stats in any other way.
I can, and so far, increasing the stats seemed easy, but I supposed it will become harder as they increase.
*Ding* +1 Wisdom.
My point was made.
The one issue I had was that despite my Wisdom now being 17, I didn't feel wiser. The stat description also didn't say that I will become smarter by increasing it.
No, Wisdom only increases my MP regen and my Magic Resistance. Every 10 stat points will increase those two by 1%.
That at least proved I could do Magic. I should've figured that out when I saw I had MP, but in some games, even basic abilities require Mana.
Magic is such a wonderful thing. I wonder how I will go about it. Since I have Mana, will I be able to learn it on my own? Or do I need to read a Magic Book?
Wait, do Skill Book exist? I have to check that out, but where will I find them?
The library seems like the obvious choice. I hope I can get some easy skills like that.
So many things to figure out, and before I knew it, I was already at home.
Ah, the simple two-story house I lived with my grandma. She is such a kind, old woman. I'm sure she has already set the table and prepared food for me.
Sometimes I feel she wants to put so much food in me, it will last me for a month. I'm so glad for having a good metabolism, or else I would've looked like a pig with how much I eat.
"I'm home, grandma!" I called out after opening the front door.
"I'm in the kitchen, Will. I'm setting the table." I heard her weakly call out to me.
I was about to go and leave my backpack before I decided to just store in my Inventory. Way faster and easier.
I entered the kitchen just as my grandma sat down.
"How was school, Will?"
"Same as always. Nothing new."
[Lying has increased to 2.]
I mean, I couldn't tell her that my life has turned into a game. She won't believe me, and this way, I can also increase my skill.
Whoever you are, stop judging me!
After a nice meal, a short conversation with grandma, and another increase to Lying, I went to my room.
I said, stop judging me!
Normally, I would do my homework as quickly as I can before going straight for the computer and playing games.
The first, I will still do, but there was no point in the second anymore. My life turned into a game, and I planned to play that from now on.