Chapter 1

Ashes flocked the ground and smothered the rising smoke. Pillars fell around lifeless bodies trapped in fumes. Stumbling on a broken leg, my weary eyes searched the darkening clouds for an exit. Realization didn't strike me until I was already caught in the crossfire. With a hoarse cough, I grasped the crown placed loosely on my head. Clutching the silver object in a firm grasp, charred fingers shoved it inside a storage compartment in my ship. An explosion sounded behind me, causing my feet to slip as I flinched. Reaching out in a desperate attempt to escape, I gripped the edge of the ship and hauled my shaking form into the cockpit. Rumbling shook the ground as I quickly closed the door, clouded blue eyes darting towards the control panel. I didn't bother to glance back at the burning kingdom until my home planet was nothing but a speck in the distance. Breathing ragged, I let my body fall limp against the seat. The only thing I had left to wonder was who set the fire. I reached inside a familiar storage compartment and pulled out my ash-covered crown, dusting it off. I stared at the charred silver lining, gripping it until my hand bled. My head dropped low, the ringing in my ears becoming too loud to ignore. Darkness enveloped my vision as my ship crashed into a blurry planet.


A silent gasp tore past my lips as I struggled to regain air, throat burning like coal set aflame. I clutched at the grass beneath me, line of vision refocusing as I looked around. My eyes darted up to meet the swaying of a thin oak branch above me, the leaves rustling in the wind as it ripped past my skin. Shoulders slumping forward, I mentally told myself that I wasn't in danger. An annoyed scoff slipped through my next breath as I stood up. Of course I fell asleep under a tree again… I haven't had that nightmare- or rather flashback, in a while now. I briefly shook my head to clear any remaining thoughts. A soft rustle came from a nearby bush, causing my shoulders to reel back in precaution. I didn't loosen my hardened gaze until the figure stepped out, sunlike eyes beaming. "Oh, hey Mags!" The blue and white cloaked male waved in return as he replied. "Good afternoon to you, too. What have you been up to, as of late?" I shrugged absentmindedly, gaze wandering off to look at the sun. It seems like I didn't fall asleep for too long. Magolor's voice rang through the air, causing my sight to flick towards his amused eyes. "Let me guess- did you accidentally fall asleep under a tree, again?" An awkward chuckle slipped through my breath, a small smile curling my lips upwards. "Perhaps." He heaved a sigh, although his eyes gleamed in good humor. "So what did you come out here for?" He nodded his head towards me at my inquiry. "Looking for you, actually. Something strange came up that you may want to check out." He gestured for me to follow him with a flick of his wrist. As I trailed behind him, my feet halted in their tracks in shock once we drew near. There was a small crater in the ground- which has happened several times before, so that wasn't a surprise- with a portal in it. A dark, swirling portal that looked like it came straight out of an old sci-fi movie. What even…? "Strange, isn't it? This weird portal just popped out of seemingly nowhere. There was a lot of light coming from the opening when it first appeared. No idea where something like this could have come from, though." I hummed in acknowledgment, tinted blue eyes examining the hole in space below us. "Do you think it leads to another planet or dimension- universe, maybe even?" I shook my head, casting a glimpse in Mags' direction. "I haven't a single clue. Suppose there's only one to find out…" He was quick to snap his attention towards me at that. Bright yellow eyes narrowed as he let out a huff. "Yeah, good luck with getting anyone to go anywhere near that thing." I blinked at him. "Wouldn't you- just out of curiosity, at least?" He shook his head, glancing back to the portal in front of us, a space opening inside a crater. "No way. I wouldn't even try it without getting the Starcutter fixed, first. Even after that, I'd still be unsure of taking that sort of risk." He breathed out another sigh at my nod in reply, our gazes locked onto the portal. I piped up after a brief moment of silence. "Well… life is all about taking chances, is it not?" The cloaked male tilted his head towards me slightly with a questioning look. "What exactly do you mean by that… you're not planning on-?" I tossed a smirk over my shoulder as I leapt into the crater and dashed towards the opening of the portal. "Yep!" The last words I heard before the portal closed behind me were all but frantic. "Wait, the portal could be unstable- Kirby!" Huh, the darkness surrounding me isn't like the one from my nightmare… I felt weightless for all but a brief moment until gravity encased me once more. I landed on a small patch of grass in a wooded area. Shaking my head to clear the onslaught of ringing, I looked up to see the sun at its highest peak. Huh, seems like the time hasn't changed here. With curiosity gradually taking control of my actions, I stood up to try and find a way out of the forest. After wandering for a few moments, my eyes caught sight of a distant town beyond the forest in a grassy field. Before venturing off however, I took my phone and tapped Magolor's number on my contacts list. Brows furrowing at the absence of a dial tone, I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the screen. No Service. Unsurprised considering the situation, I breathed a quiet sigh and pocketed my phone. My footsteps were silent among the meadow as unsettlement became an anchor in my chest. Any lingering thought in my mind was diminished during my walk to the town. Well, let's hope this town isn't hostile. I heard laughter as my feet drew near, sight casting to a playground filled with bright-eyed children. Letting my shoulders untense slightly, I decided to check around for any familiar faces. After all, who knows if this is a parallel universe or not. Unfortunately, the handful that I've been to weren't very friendly… more so violent and powerful than anything. A girl sat underneath a tree near the playground writing in a notebook, tapping her pencil on the rim of it. My eyes softened a tad. That's what I've been doing a lot lately, too. Writing down strategies for upcoming battles and getting my thoughts out in a separate journal. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, although it didn't keep it from swaying in the breeze. A younger boy ran over to the girl, a question tumbling from his tongue. "Hey, sis! Do you know where Kirby is? Lunch is probably gonna be ready soon!" I narrowed my eyes at that. So it seems like this is a parallel universe… although I've never been in one that wasn't hostile before. The girl- undoubtedly his sister- glanced up from her book as she fiddled with her pencil. "The last time I saw him was when he ran off into the woods… why?" A frown settled on her brother's face as he shuffled his feet. "But that was this morning… shouldn't he have been back by now?" A concerned look crossed her features as well now, as she closed her book and stood up. She nodded at her younger brother after quickly glancing at the sun. "Yeah, you're right. It's already midday now… why don't we go look for him?" A hurried nod came from the boy as he remarked. "Yeah, let's go!" I stood still in my tracks as they dashed off to where I just came from. Well, it's a good thing that the portal is gone now. Or else I'd have to run after them before being accused for their disappearance. Not a good way to introduce yourself to a new place. I continued to walk through the town, trying to seem as casual as possible. That girl looked to be around the age of 10, whereas her younger brother appeared to be a few years younger… wonder what their names are- considering they clearly know me from this universe. Although I've certainly never met them in mine. A silent sigh escaped my lips, as a new realization came upon me. That means there's a completely different timeline in this universe. Great. Deciding to deepen my knowledge of this universe's history, I searched for a library. Soon enough, I was stepping through the doorway and reaching for a bookshelf. Fortunately, the townsfolk have yet to notice that I'm new here. Since apparently the me from this universe was last seen dashing off to the woods. Which… I honestly doubt he's there now. We probably got switched with each other, meaning he would be in my universe whereas I'm in his. It's sure going to be tough trying to explain something like that to those kids. My research of this place went on until sundown. Well, I most likely would have stayed longer if it weren't for me catching the librarian hanging up the closed sign out of the corner of my eye. To which as soon as the librarian went to their desk, I quickly scurried out of the building after placing the books back. Noting it was nightfall, my feet found themselves steering back to where the woodland was for a tree to rest beneath. It wasn't until I sat underneath a tree that my mind decided to replay an old memory. Of the nightmare, or flashback, I had earlier today. My shuddering didn't stop until I gave up on sleeping and walked around the forest, gaze set on the moon and stars. Eventually, dawn set alight the sky.