Chapter 3

I let out a hum of acknowledgement as I clocked my gaze to one of the windows in the dining hall. "So that's what happened up until a couple days ago…" The others followed my line of vision, taking note that it was getting late as I trailed off. "Yep, that's pretty much everything that's happened from when our Kirby arrived all the way up until now." Curiosity pledged my thoughts while Tiff spoke, a question spilling from my lips shortly after. "Do any of you happen to know what happened to him before he crashed here?" I steered my focus back to them. The group casted quick glances at each other for a couple of seconds until the king piped up. "Well, since he was a small toddler at the time, and he barely ever speaks…" He shook his head, a look of what almost seemed to be shame reflecting in his eyes. "Nobody ever bothered to ask the little fella what happened to him before he came here." I nodded absentmindedly, not an ounce of surprise in my voice when I spoke. "I see… figured as such. There's only a couple of people from my universe that know of my past, and I didn't even meet them until years after I defeated Nightmare." That seemed to awaken everyone's attention, as Meta's eyes immediately flicked to my own. "You defeated Nightmare years ago?" I gave a simple yet sharp nod in the masked knight's direction. "Around 27 years ago, to be exact." The children's eyes widened almost comically, similar to King Dee and the green-haired guy- which I learned was the king's right-hand, Escargoon. The purple in his clothes was a bit of a strange choice to go with his green hair and mustache, but it suited him well. The caped swordsman asked one last thing before standing from his seat. "If I may ask, are you and my alternate self  from your universe similar in age?" Everyone else followed suit in getting up from their chairs. "Certainly closer in age than I am from your universe. You're still older than me in my universe, although not by too much. Only around a few years or so." He nodded as Tiff turned towards me with a curious gaze. "Since it's getting a bit late, are you just going to sleep in your house? I'm not sure if Tokkori is in your universe or not, but you two live together here." I tilted my head in confusion at the girl's inquiry. "Yes, I do know him from my universe. Although I don't have a home- well, I used to. But it was destroyed about a decade ago in battle." Ignoring the sympathetic looks casted towards my direction, I continued. "I've grown quite used to just resting for a bit wherever in whatever planet I'm on at the time. So I'll just find a tree or a cave." I offered a small smile in hopes of lightening the mood and their saddened expressions. Only of course it didn't work. Letting my smile drop, I waved an awkward goodbye before I turned and left. A sigh slipped through by breath, shaded blue eyes tilted towards the sky. After glancing around, I let my black feathered wings unfurl themselves from my back. Doubt I grew wings in their universe, considering these didn't sprout from my back until my teenage years. So it's probably best not to let them know. I dashed off to a corner near the back of a watchtower before flying up and landing on the roof of the castle. Leaning back with my wings slightly folded behind me, I stared at the setting sun until my eyes of dusk were moonlit. A small yet genuine smile graced my lips. After a brief stretch, the night breeze ruffled my feathers as I let myself glide just above the clouds. This is peace. No stressful battles to worry over, no sudden betrayals from so-called friends… just a carefree flight under the moon and stars. I wish nights like these weren't always so rare… I dived towards a tree in the forest, settling down on a sturdy branch as my wings curled in on themselves before disappearing. I tapped the picture album icon on my phone and scrolled through. My eyes landed on a photo that me and Mags took together a day before I fell into this universe. Staring at our bright grins and starlike eyes stirred an old memory. Turning the phone off and tucking it away, I let myself reminisce as my eyes fluttered shut. The memory faded away as I drifted into unconsciousness.


"Mags- seriously?" I laughed as my good friend pulled me onto the ice. Mischief was laced throughout his words as he replied. "Come on, Kirby- I taught you how to ice skate three years ago!" Light chuckles slipped through our breaths as he held my hands tighter and spun us around. Snowflakes followed our dance as my reddening nose crinkled with my smile. "You said you'd come out to build a snowman with me- not this!" He beamed at me with a fond gaze. "We'll do that after this!" Shaking my head, I let Mags guide my two left feet into a clumsy waltz. Eventually, our faces burned red from the frost to the point where we had to sit inside his ship. With a steaming mug of tea laced within our fingertips, I cast him a close-eyed smile over my shoulder. "Thank you for everything." My smile grew wider as he pulled me into a hug. "Anytime… your highness." My eyes blinked open as I pulled away to throw a fake glare at him. "You ruined the moment." His shoulders shook slightly as he laughed. "Sorry, next time I'll wait until you have your crown on." An airy chuckle escaped me as I remarked in mock annoyance. "Oh, really now?" He shot a grin at me, an endless flame burning in his sunlike eyes. Smiling back, I found myself trusting him more.


My eyes opened slowly, mind in a haze as I blinked the sleep out of them. Fortunately, I had a dreamless sleep without any nightmares. Not like it matters, considering I've never shouted out after waking from one before- so no one would find out. I pondered the information from yesterday, leaning against the trunk of the tree. Wonder if the me from this universe shares the same past… who knows. With a quiet sigh, I leapt off the branch and landed on the ground. As I stepped into the town and drew near the castle walls, Meta came through the front doors of the castle. His eyes landed on my form, bright amber eyes aglow as he prompted me. "Kirby, I would like to offer you a duel- seeing as you are clearly more experienced than the alternate version of yourself from this universe. Feel free to meet me at the rocky area just past the eastern woods when you are ready. I shall be waiting." He kept his eyes trained on me for a mere second before walking away. I looked at his retreating form with a raised brow. Well that was rather sudden… I thought back to the many battles I faced either against him or with him in my universe. Ever since I defeated the Meta from my universe at his halberd, he's never challenged me to a duel there since. I know for a fact that the Meta from this universe has his halberd built- he told me himself last night- and that my alternate self never dueled him there before. So why be so adamant about not fighting me in his halberd when I've never defeated or even fought him there before? I shook my head for a brief moment, deciding to skip breakfast and just head straight to where he asked to meet. I doubt I'll need to find and get an ability, since the masked knight usually always offers a sword before fighting me, anyways. Which I've always been personally grateful for, though I've never told him so. Just as suspected, there was a sword sticking up from the ground when I came to the area per requested. Classic Meta. I'm glad he follows chivalry- except for those times when he was forced to fight me against his will by Yin Yarn and Susie, although that's to be expected when you're literally being mind-controlled. The swordsman cleared his throat, unsheathing Galaxia while letting his cape fall behind his shoulders. Even in a parallel universe, he still wields that powerful golden sword with its sharply upturned edges. He nodded at the sword in the ground in a gesture for me to pick it up. Taking the cue, I straightened my shoulders and stepped slowly towards the iron sword. I picked it up by the handle, swiftly pulling the smooth blade out of the ground as it gleamed in the sunlight. After a brief moment of silence, we both cast a sharp nod towards the other. He dashed to the side, coming near me with sharp reflexes as I was quick to block his attack. So hence the duel officially started. It's a good thing the faithful sword has always been one of my most trusted weapons and copy abilities. Simple yet precise. I ducked under his next blow before stabbing the sword in the ground behind him and flipping myself in the air over him- just in time as he turned around to face where I supposedly was. He paused in his movements, quick to snap his head around as I dashed to the opposite side to avoid his gaze. Meta tightened the grip on his sword, before going for a spin dash to try and catch which side I was on. I managed to sneak up right behind him, effectively avoiding the sword as it slashed a circle around us. He turned his body fully around. Quickly, I slid under him, doing a tuck and roll before popping up right in front of him once he slashed his sword to the side. Taking a step back, I tilted my blade and sliced his mask clean off, straight down the middle. He froze up, staring at me with shock as the two halves of his now broken mask clattered to the ground. I offered him a smile as I sheathed my sword and held my hand out. "Good battle!" He blinked before seemingly snapping out of his thoughts, reaching out and slowly shaking my hand with a nod. "Yes, good battle. You've certainly proven yourself to be a worthy opponent." My eyes widened ever so slightly, as I tried to hide my surprise at his compliment. The Meta I know always just flies away after a duel. He's… never bothered to stay before, let alone speak to me. My grip slowly loosened, as well as his own before we let our hands fall to our sides. He glanced away, bending down to pick up his mask before clearing his throat. It wasn't hard to tell he was trying to avoid eye contact as he bid farewell after stiffly nodding. He shielded Galaxia before shaking my hand, although I noticed how his grip on the handle went tight before loosening. Strange, it seems like I took him completely by surprise… has my alternate self never defeated him before? The only ways I've ever defeated him- or made him give up the fight- was by slicing his mask in half. But it appeared as if that's never happened to the Meta from this universe. Not to mention, it took me less time to defeat him than it normally does in my universe. But he's not one to underestimate his opponents… was he really not expecting it at all? I stared at the ground, lost in thought until someone cleared their throat from behind me. I spun around, immediately taking a step back and reaching for my sword- gripping the handle before loosening my hold as I recognized who it was. "Oh, King Dee… what brings you here?" He looked at me for a silent moment before piping up. "You sound so casual after… you do realize that nobody has ever bested Meta Knight before, right? Not even your alternate self that's originally from this universe." He eyed me almost warily, as if trying to pry open the secret for how I defeated Meta so quickly and easily. I rubbed my arm, awkwardly shrugging as he waited for my reply. "Oh… really? I've actually dueled him quite a few times before, in my universe." He nodded slowly before responding. "Yeah, figured as such- considering how it seemed like you knew all his tricks by heart." I blinked at him. "Meta has more moves up his sleeve than just the one or two he showed me today." The king seemed to be a tad surprised at that, leading me to assume that he's never really seen the masked knight truly fight before. Has he never even seen Meta's signature move- mach tornado? I decided to ask him that. His response was almost comical as he raised a confused brow at me. "What- no? I never even knew he had names for those tricks of his… although it doesn't surprise me necessarily, knowing him." I breathed out a small chuckle at that, before piping up. "True. Well then, if that's all you were curious about, I think I'm going to take my leave now. I'm going to try figuring out just how and where that portal came from. Hopefully I can relink our universes together." He sent me a nod. "Yeah, guess I'll leave ya to it then- I gotta get heading back to the castle, anyhows. Good luck." I sent him with a small thanks before we both went our separate ways. I have to find a ship and go into space… hopefully I'll be able to find Mags. He knows all about dimensional traveling, perhaps even more than I do. At least, I hope he knows more than I do about it. If not… it's back to square one. I need to get back to my universe, and my alternate self needs to get back to his- the one that I'm currently trapped in, right now. I lifted my gaze to the clouding skies of gray and white. Sunlight bordered the horizon and peered through the shadows on the ground, severing them with streaks akin to burning embers.