Chapter 4

I coughed myself awake, the sea water pushed itself out my lungs onto the ground, swiftly followed by the contents of my stomach. 

Letting out a groan I rest my head against the ground again.

Ground- land.

I've survived.

I flung open my eyes but quickly regretted it, letting out a groan I slowly opened them again. 

I surveyed my surroundings, I was on a small peanut-shaped island. A small forest- well more of a collection of trees sat in the center. No water sources (apart from the endless sea surrounding me). Great.

I ran a hand through my long sea-crusted hair to find that my head had been bandaged. Probably courtesy of whoever was on that raft with me. Looking over my body I have a few more scratches and cuts, All could be easily healed if they weren't infected.

I mentally ran over the maps in my head trying to think of places I could be but none came to mind. 

The sun was almost setting, so that direction was west. 

I looked in all my pockets to see if I had anything but it was unsuccessful. I felt for my pocket knife in the sole of my shoe. I let out a triumphant shout… at least I had something but I had nothing else. No canteen, no map, no… nothing.

I had nothing on me. 

I had lost everything. 

I was lost.

The sun began to melt into the horizon, sending colours across the sky.

I clumsily stand but manage to trip over sending sand flying. I curse under my breath and walk over to the shade of the trees.

 By the look of it one side of the island had a rocky outcrop and the rest was sandy beach.

It was going to get dark soon. Dark equals no sun, no sun equals cold.

So I collect a few loose sticks and try to create a fire. (Emphasis on try,) it didn't work. no matter how hard I tried, nothing worked. 

I let out a sigh of defeat and threw my arms in the air. I noticed a small pebble on the ground. Flint…That pebble was flint. I glanced at my pocket knife on the grassy ground. Steel. 

Quickly I picked them both up.

A spark flickered and died. I tried again but closer to the wood pile. The sparks caught and spread across the first branch and the next and continued until the whole thing was alight. 


It was strange really. Watching the human aimlessly wander around the island.

First it collected sticks and arranged them, then it rubbed any two objects it could find until… it created fire.

I had never seen fire- well I had in lamps and ships that were on fire but… I hadn't seen it be created. I didn't think such a thing could be made, only controlled.

The human cheered loudly and added more to the pile of sticks.

I watched the human for the next week. It seemed to slow down and sleep more as days passed.

Originally it would make its way to the shallows with its blade attached to a long stick every morning. It poked around at the ground, it was probably looking for fish. 

Now though it sat against a rock and stared up at the sky. 


I was incredibly dehydrated and quickly starving. My mouth felt like sandpaper and my stomach sounded like some sort of animal waiting to strike.

I let my thoughts float about. From memories to what I might have done if this hadn't happened, I thought about my future family, about my future spouse. I let myself sink into make-believe fantasies, so I didn't have to face reality.

A splash sounded from the shallows nearby. 

I peered through my half open eye to see a dying fish, a sharp thin rock pierced through its side. My instincts screamed at me to take it before it could be swept away by the tide, but my body didn't respond.

The fish struggled helplessly sending sprays of sand in my direction.

Something deep within me sparked.

What if a ship passed by?

Could I be rescued?

What in the rutting under realm was I doing?

The spark caught and filled my veins. 

I inhaled deeply and reached for the fish. I wrapped my hands around it's slimy scales, I might have cringed if I wasn't so hungry. 

My stomach let out a growl as if recognizing what led before me. I was far too hungry to cook it, I shoved down my disgust and sank my teeth into it's flesh.

I was getting off this island