Catching Up Friends

Kina knocked the door slowly as it opened by itself, she peeked in as nobody wasn't here. "Prince Ezekiel, I know you're here. Enough of these games." Kina says as she looked around, she heard a thump in the restroom as a door barged out seeing a young lady in the towel.

"Ma'am.. I suppose you need clothes on." Kina looked away blushing as the young lady shakes her head. "I thought you said you don't have any girls in your castle being ugly." she says with disgusted voice as Kina's eyes widen as she drew her sword at the young lady. "I apologize due to my face towards a naked lady who doesn't seem to know where's her clothes, and also doesn't know how to act right. I suppose your parents threw you out because you're disappointment to them, of course." Kina glared at her as the young lady was frightened started to cry. Ezekiel walked in seeing Kina with the sword and young lady, he grabbed Kina's arm gently as he smiled at her. "Kina, please be a dear not to scare this thing." He says with a soft voice, Kina nodded as she stayed silent. "Thing!? Ezekiel how dare you calles me that way, I did this for you!" The young lady speaks with loud annoying voice as Ezekiel rolled his eyes. "For love of god, I didn't want this or you. Stop barging in my room. Guards! Take her away and throw her out." The two guards barged in as they grabbed her arm dragged her out of the room. Zae popped his head in the way seeing Kina as she chuckles to see him.

"Zae my right hand man, it's good to see my two childhood friends." Ezekiel chuckles as he pats Zae's back, he wrapped his arm around Kina's neck as she smiled slightly. "Well, boys let's walk around the village before the party starts tonight." Kina looked at them both as Ezekiel nodded, Zae smiled at Kina.

The three talked walking through the village as they laughed and yelled, teasing about embarrassing moments. "Ha, I remember when we were kids running around the village here. Then people would ask Ezekiel, oh who is this young new fellow to us and we try our best not to say you're the prince. Then these bullies we have as always." Zae talked as Kina listened looking ahead to everyone. They were seeing her as they were frightened from Kina, she stayed silent as she smiled at Zae. "And I remember how youuu snuck up into butcher house to save those pigs. Hahaha!" Kina poked her tongue teasing him, Zae smirked and says "Those pigs needed some saving, don't blame me for loving pigs they're sooo cute!" Ezekiel laughs as he slaps Zae's back. "And your pig father be so proud of you saving pigs right now, oink oink." Kina laughs with Ezekiel, Zae rolled his eyes and smiles.

"Oh Prince Ezekiel and Zae!" The ladies giggles as they stared at them both, Zae and Ezekiel chuckles nervously as they greeted them with waves. "Come on boys, don't you need some fun?" one of the girl says as they walked up to them holding them tightly, Kina chuckles as she see them struggling. One of the girls screamed seeing Kina, the others screamed with her. Kina stayed silent staring at them, Ezekiel and Zae looked at Kina worried. "Save us prince and Zae!" The girl cried out as other villagers were watching and yelling saying "Get out of here! You're no welcome!" Kina stood still raising her head high showing her pride that she wasn't afarid of anything. Zae glared as he stepped with Kina against the village, Ezekiel nodded as he stands with them. "Village of Pikonu, I am Prince Ezekiel. for those are speaking to my fellow guard Kina our protector, will face through dungeon. I do not allow-" Ezekiel was interrupted by Kina from holding his shoulder smiling slightly. "I am sorry for you all to put through that I'm here, I really love this village and love you all for showing the happiness towards each other. I wanted to set foot here for guarding you all from any harm and dangerous people out there. I thank you for letting me stay here even you don't.. I am thankful for what I have right now, again.. I apologize for what have happened to me that made you disgusted by me, and I understand. I don't blame you, so I'll take my leave." Kina bow towards them as she exhales deeply walking through them. The villagers moved aside letting her through, Ezekiel frowned slightly as Zae pats Ezekiel's back walking behind Kina.

"Kina, why did you have to do that? don't you know that they should know you're not one of them!?" Ezekiel added things to say as he was annoyed and angered, Zae stayed silent seeing Kina right side of her face with a scar on her cheek. Kina looked at the sky as soon it hit the dark, she turned at Ezekiel and gently touching his hair. "Ezekiel.. I thank you and your parents for seeing who I am. That's all what matters, now let's have fun tonight and cheer for The Ceremony Party for your parents." She chuckles softly looking at Zae, as he blushes slightly.