Irritating twin

"Stop irritating me, Grey. Just go away before I break your jaw." It was Damon's voice. 

I quickly hid in a corner of the corridor.

Oh, did I mention before that I like eavesdropping? 

Bad manners? I know.

Damon's voice sounded defeated. It wasn't his usual rude tone. Or maybe he only uses it on me. 

"I know you are frustrated but you can't blame her." Grey tried to explain something and I am guessing they are talking about me.

Grey was standing in front of Damon's door. Apparently they actually were talking about me. It looks like Damon is blaming me for getting grounded and Grey was trying to defend me. 

"I see, you also joined their club. Great! Then what are you doing here? You should be with her and pamper her!" Brother Damon said sarcastically with frustration.

"Not only me. We all planned to pamper her. Hell! You planned the most!" Grey raised his voice.

"I planned all this for our sister and she is not our sister." Damon also raised his voice.

"What if she turns out to be our sister?" Grey asked.

My heart is pounding crazily in anticipation as I wait for Damon's reply.

"We looked for our sister crazily for 14 years. Suddenly Dylan saw this girl in an orphanage and claimed her as our sister. And you want me to believe it?" Damon also raised his voice. 

Point taken..

"You should try and have faith in Dominic. You know he never does anything without a solid reason." Grey tried to explain.

"What is he going to do, huh? I asked him and he said I am not worth knowing. How could he say that?" Damon asked angrily.

Whoa! Does he mean that Dominic called him worthless? That's an insult..

"He would have told you if you weren't being an ass!" A new voice interrupted.


Damon and Grey looked at Damon.

"Dominic found that woman." Dylan calmly stated out of nowhere.

What woman?!

"What??" Damon asked.

"Yes. One of our men saw her somewhere and instantly informed Dominic. He has gone to get her. Our men already caught her." Dylan said in a different tone that he usually uses on me.

They were talking about me, right? Then how it shifted to this particular woman.. 

"Where is she now?" Damon asked as his voice darkened.

"You don't need to know that. Don't do anything stupid, you are grounded, remember? And Grey? Let's go and find Grace. We will spend some time with her." Dylan said.

Oh shit! 

I quickly ran toward the stairs and pretended like I just reached upstairs. Thank god I didn't trip or bump anywhere. Then I casually started to walk toward my room.

We had our dinner sometime back and of course Damon didn't join us. The girls left before dinner. We spent the whole day together. Grey was very much frustrated about that.

I saw Dylan and Grey coming toward me. 

"Hey, twin!" Grey greeted me.

I ignored him and greeted Dylan. Grey pouted at that, making Dylan laugh.

"Where were you, Grace?" Dylan asked.

"Downstairs. I was watching TV." I answered. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't complete truth.

"Let's go to your room and hangout there." Saying that Grey started to drag me toward my room by holding my hand. 

I will never get used to their habit of dragging me by my hands.

"Why my room?" I asked, not pleased with the idea. 

"Because I want to see my twin's room." He said simply. 

I almost whined.

Dylan followed us with an amusing smile on his face. 

"Woah! I love your room!" Grey said as soon as we entered our room.

"I know right. She did a better job than our experienced interior designers." Dylan praised making me blush a little.

I have this bad habit of blushing whenever anyone says something good about me. It makes me shy.

"She decorated the room?!" Grey asked, surprised.

"Yeah." Dylan chuckled.

"My dear twin, ca-.." I stopped him in mid sentence.

"No. I will not decorate your room." I said coldly.

"Dylan! She is so cold! Should I put her into the oven?" He said as he looked at Dylan seriously.

"What the duck?!" I looked at him like 'are you kidding me'. 

We kept bickering the whole night.

We also watched a movie. Though we kept talking most of the time. Soon it was time to sleep. They left after wishing me good night by a hug from Dylan and a poke on my left cheek from Grey. 

I changed and climbed into the bed. I got into the comforter and turned off the bedside lamps.

Now that it's calm everywhere, I can't help but think about all the things that happened today. 

'They are never going to let you go.'

The words from the girls were ringing in my ears.

Then I thought about the things I overheard. 

Who is this woman they were talking about? 

Why was she running from them?

What does Dominic do? 

These thoughts soon took me to the world of dreamless sleep. I didn't hear when someone entered my room.

"Are you really our sister as they claim?" 

Am I really their sister?


I woke up feeling eyes on me. 

I opened my eyes to see Dominic's tired grey eyes looking at me. I noticed his beards grew longer but he somehow looked happy.

I sat up. 

"Didn't mean to wake you up." He said, taking a seat beside me. 

"It's okay. Good morning." 

"Good morning." 

"You look.. happy." I commented while rubbing my eyes to get rid of the drowsiness.

"Indeed." He said with a heartwarming smile.

Why was he happy? Is it because he found the woman Dylan was talking about last night?

"Get freshen up. We will have breakfast together. Okay?" He asked happily.

"O..kay." I said with a raised brow.

He was still in his office attire. 

"You didn't come home last night?" I asked.

"No. I had to go out of the city yesterday." He answered.

To get that woman.

I just nodded at him without asking anything else.

He got up to leave.

"They are going to throw me out." I mumbled.

I don't know why I said that to him when it was Dylan with him I was more comfortable. Maybe his seriousness comforts me more than anyone else's. I don't even know why I was worried. Changing family was never a big deal for me. So why now?! 

"Who?" He asked even after knowing whom I was talking about. 

"Your family." I still said quietly.

"You mean, OUR family? No, they are not going to throw you out. They may get a little angry at first as they don't know anything. But I will handle everything." Saying that he gestured to me to freshen up and he walked toward the door. But then he turned around. 



"I am going to make tomorrow the best day for the Winchester family. I promise." 

I looked at him emotionlessly. They are coming one day earlier.

He left without saying another word after that. I didn't miss when he stressed on the word 'our'. And one thing I understood in this little time is every word that comes out of Dominic's mouth is valid.

Without stressing so much this early in the morning, I got up to get ready for breakfast. I quickly did my business and walked into the walk in closet to get ready. Suddenly I felt something off.

Why am I feeling like someone was here, when I was in the bathroom? I can even smell a faint perfume. I looked around with a frown to see if anything was weird. Nope. Everything was in place. Maybe I was getting paranoid.

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to the dining room. 

We had breakfast without Damon. After breakfast I went to my room and the others walked into the office as Dominic had some work with both of them. I talked with the girls about my current situation from the phone that Lydia gave. Apart from Lydia only they have the number. I also warned them to not tell my foster brothers about it.

The day went by like that. I spent the day with Dylan and Grey. Soon it was time to sleep. I didn't see Damon today at all. He had locked himself up in his room the whole day. 

"I am afraid, Dylan." I was on my bed, changed into pyjamas. 

"Come here." He asked as he opened his arms to give me a hug. 

I hugged him. 

I wasn't only afraid for the family's reaction but also about what Dominic has got to say in his defence of his decision to adopt me.

"Nothing will happen, doll. We have got it all." He said assuring me. 

I was still in his embrace.

"Hug without me? Not fair!" Saying that Grey jumped on us.

I didn't notice when he entered the room.

We laughed at his antics. But I still hugged him. I don't know if I will get the chance of hugging him again or not. 

Whatever happens tomorrow, I know one thing. 

Either they throw me out or I.. run away.