Chapter 12

(Vivien) Since I came here I knew I have to see it. I always go to see it when we are in town. My dad doesn't know that I've been visiting the house every time we are here, I just tell him that I am going shopping. On some occasions I go to a shop nearby and buy a few clothes as proof that I really went shopping.

I knew my father will assign Marcus to come with me, but that won't stop me. I was in the shower when I heard some weird noises, but I decided to ignore them. I stopped the water and took the towel, putting it around my body. Then I took my other towel for my hair. I went out of the bathroom and froze at the man standing in front of me.

-Omg! What are you doing in my room?!

-I am sorry Miss, I didn't mean to…I came to…uh…ask if you…

-Did you even knock?!

-I did…but…uh…you didn't answer.

-So you decided to just enter?!

-Yes…I'm sorry…I'll go out now…

He left and I turned around visibly blushing. I was holding on so tight on my towel because I almost dropped it because of the shock. I remembered the strange noises and him saying he knocked, oh my I'm never ignoring a noise again. I sat myself on the bed, it could have been worse.

I got dressed and decided to search for Marcus. I was wearing a loose old pajama and my still wet hair was on one of my sides, leaving drops of water on my shirt. I was nervous to see Marcus again after this, but I wouldn't let a simple accident to stay in my way of seeing the house again. I took a deep breath before knocking to his room. I waited patiently until I heard a vague "Yes?" coming from the other side.


-Miss, I am sorry that I entered without your permission, I thought…

-I know. It's okay.

-Really? Thank you.

-And don't call me "Miss".

-Yes, sure, sorry.

-What did you want to ask me?


-When you entered my room, you said you wanted to ask me something.

-Oh, yeah. Your father told me that you wanted to go into the city. I was going to ask when you wish to do that.

-Oh, yeah. Well, be ready in one hour.

-Yes, Mi…Vivien.

I went back to my room and got dressed. After I dried out my hair I went to the luggage to take some clothes. I changed into black simple pants and a purple loose shirt. I let my hair down and didn't do any make-up. I used to be so simple a few years back, I thought as I saw myself in the mirror. When I went out of the room I was surprised to see Marcus, but I snapped out of it and continued walking towards the exit.

I already knew where I wanted to go, but I had to be subtle about it. I didn't want Marcus to report my father that we went to a house for two hours so I decided to take a tour around the city. I knew every corner of that city but seeing it again was filling my heart with joy as well as combining it with terrifying pain.

I stared absently out of the window almost the whole time. I could feel that Marcus' eyes were fixed on me; I moved my sight gently when I felt his stare went away. He was enjoying the views. I stopped the uber when I saw that we were close to the house. We were 10 minutes away from it.

My heart started pounding faster as I was approaching it, then I saw it, the house we used to live in. This was our home until mom died. I felt the flood of memories exploding in my head, drowning every other thought with pictures of my mother. I felt a tear coming down my cheek when I remembered how happy we used to be before she died but I wiped it before Marcus could see it. I turned away from him, we had to leave otherwise he could get suspicious. I started walking, my heart aching because I was letting the house behind.

I went directly to my room when I got to the hotel. After I changed I carefully sat on my bed and let a few tears drop as I covered my mouth with my hand. A sudden knock on the door made my whole body shiver. I quickly wiped my tears and checked my face into the mirror.


I answered after I was sure my face wasn't red from the tears then as I turned around I saw Marcus with a solemn look on his face.

-Dinner is ready, Miss.

-Thank you Marcus, I will be down in a minute.

-Um, Vivien?


-I know it is not my place to ask, but I have decided not to tell your father about your sudden stop at that house.

-Thank you.

I smiled, relieved by what he told me, he smiled back and left the room. I didn't feel like eating but not going would worry my father. As I went down I realized that Marcus was not there. I sat at the table, pointing my gaze on the empty chair.

-Where is Marcus?

-Oh, he said that he is tired. He went to sleep without eating.

-Did you send him to announce me that dinner was ready?

-No, I haven't seen him. One of the hotel's employees informed me about his decision. Didn't you hear the screams?

-What screams?

-The ones announcing dinner of course.

-No, not at all.

-Well, very thoughtful of Marcus to come and assure that you come down.


We began eating in silence. I was almost finished when dad took me by surprise with an unexpected question.

-So where did you go?

-What do you mean?

-When you went out, where did you go?

-Around the city.


-Not this time.

-Vivien, I hope you didn't go to that house.

-Of course not. Now if you'll excuse me I want to go to sleep.

-Okay, darling. Goodnight.


I went back in my room and sat directly on the bed. Hot tears started to stream on my face. I wanted to go back, where my mother's memory still lived, I wasn't ready to go in a place where she was completely dead again. I fell asleep feeling my tears drying and my thoughts vanishing.

I woke up to the sound of a ring; I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and stopped the alarm before looking at the time. It was 6 AM; I got up and started to get ready as we were to leave at 7. My father insisted to leave early in order for me to be able to do all my homework for tomorrow. In reality, I knew he was just afraid that I would go to the house.

When I went down in our hall destined for us to eat, I was welcomed by a warm smile. I sat down in front of the already prepared plate and I smiled back. I could feel the green eyes watching my every move as I raised my head from the plate and I fixed my dark brown eyes into his.

-Good morning.

Marcus said staying perfectly still, waiting for me to begin eating first. I could see that his food was completely untouched, not even his coffee was sipped from. In that moment I wondered how much he stayed there, waiting. Was he waiting only for me?

-Good morning.

I answered grabbing my fork and knife, giving him a sign that he could to the same. He continued staring directly into my eyes before placing his hands on the table near the coffee cup.

-Did you sleep well?

He took the cup in his hands and I could tell that that was his first sip today. His eyes closed and opened slowly, savoring the moment.

-Yes. Um, when did you wake up?

He raised one eyebrow, clearly not expecting the question.

-5 AM.

-Why did you wait so long?


-To eat, I mean.

-I waited for you and your father Miss. But your father took only a cup of coffee and left so I stayed to wait for you.

I stared back at my plate. My father doesn't eat in the morning. He knew that, he couldn't just not notice this in all these months he had worked for us. We ate in a silence which fell between us like a heavy cloud, covering the sun and leaving all the light behind. It was nothing but silence until we arrived home. I was caught up in my own questions; I couldn't understand why he waited just for me. I woke up one hour later than him, there was something more than just being respectful.

The only split of noise that I heard that day was a vague scream from downstairs. I was in my room writing on my English essay. We arrived two hours ago and I decided to drown myself in homework in order to leave my course of thoughts behind. I ran downstairs at the sound of the high-pitched scream.

-What happened?!

But there was no need for an answer as my nose instantly met the thick smell of smoke. My brown eyes were flooded by pictures of dancing flames from the garden. I let my mouth drop open as I watched the fire consume my newly bought clothes.