Chapter 19

I woke up under a thin blanket in an unknown bed, I took a look around the room. It was a rusty old room resembling more with an attic. A strong headache alongside with a few of the memories from last night hit me unexpectedly. I looked at Marcus who was sleeping at the edge of the bed his body half uncovered by the blanket. I stood up and put my hand on his back, with gentle moves I tried to wake him up. He frowned and took my hand embracing it with his own.




He moved his head towards me, barely opening his eyes, then closing them again he stumbled in bed and murmured a few tangled words.

-Morning sunshine.

I smiled at the perfect image of him lying in the bed.

-Get up, we have to go.

He groaned placing his head deep into the pillow.

-Noo, let's stay a little bit more.

Raising his head he grabbed my hand and dragged it to himself making me fall back in the bed. He came beside my still body and cuddled me, sliding a hand around my waist. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and then put his head down behind mine.

-We have to go.


-I don't want to spend all my weekend in a rusty hotel room.

-Now you sound like the old Vivien.

-Old Vivien?

-Yeah, you know, the Vivien I met the first time I started to work for you.

-Oh. Do you miss her?

-Not really.

I turned and kissed him on the lips and then, pushing myself from him, I got up and started to get dressed.


He groaned and crawled at the edge of the bed, grabbing me by my pants he let his head fall back into the sheets. I laughed and pet him on the head.

-Don't be such a baby.

-I just wanna stay all day in bed, with you.

-And we can do that, but not here.

He raised his head from the sheets and pointed me with a suspicious look.

-You promise?

I chuckled and came closer to him, bending on my knees and giving him a short kiss on the lips.

-I promise, now let's go.

With a sigh he got up and in less than 5 minutes he was already ready to leave. We decided not to eat at the restaurant nearby, which looked a bit weird, instead Marcus let me take him to a place I knew.

-This better not be one of those fancy places I hear rich people like to go to.

-It's not, you'll like it.

I didn't let Marcus see the place, wanting that this time to be me the one who surprises him. I walked behind him struggling to keep my hands in front of his eyes as he was much taller than me. We almost stumbled and fell but we made it at the front door. When I took off my hands from his eyes he opened them and smiled clearly surprised.

-Do you like it?

-I don't know, I didn't expected something like this.

I took a look at the big diner in front of me. It was an old diner from around the 1960s, it wasn't renovated since a long time ago but it still had some sort of magic that attracted people to it.

-Me and my mom used to go here a lot.

-Sort of a special place?

I smiled at his remark and glanced at him brightly.

-Yeah, you can say so.

We entered to be welcomed by the light, almost vanished colors and the round tables accompanied by the long couches like always. We sat on one of them finding it incredibly comfortable for their age. I felt all the moments me and my mother went here so vivid in my mind. I pointed my eyes at the front door seeing a little girl resembling me holding her mother's hand while entering this diner for the first time in her life when I heard my name. I focused back on our table which had an old waitress staying in front.

-Vivien? Vivien Collin?


-Oh my God, is it really you?

I looked at Marcus confused who seemed as lost as I was then switched my attention back to the lady.


-Jesus, you are so beautiful and grown. Oh, you probably don't remember me, I'm Matilda, we used to meet a lot when you were little. You used to come here with your mother, how is she?

My confusion probably changed into a sad expression because the woman looked worried all of the sudden.

-Um, she died 3 years ago.

-Oh no, poor you. I'm so sorry, are you okay? Let me get you something, um, on the house.

-No no, you don't need to do that.

-Don't be silly, you always made my day better when you were little it's the least I can do.

She left hurriedly and Marcus gave me a suspicious glare.

-Do you know her?


She came back with two slices of cherry pie.

-I remember you used to eat a lot of these, I don't know if you still do but...

-It's okay, it's still one of my favorites.

I could see a big, satisfied smile crossing her face.

-Well, I will leave you love birds alone now, I have work to do anyway.

She left without saying anything like she had somewhere she needed to be immediately which made me wonder what was that important to be done, the diner was almost empty at this time.

-I didn't know you like cherry pie.

I automatically refocused at the sound of Marcus' voice. I looked at him savoring his slice of pie.

-I don't.

He looked slightly confused then looked around in the search of that woman, she wasn't near.

-Then why did that woman...

I leaned over the table, interrupting him with a quickened bunch of whispers.

-I don't know who that woman is, I have never met her in my life.

-Are you sure you just don't remember because of the age?

I shook my head.

-I remember each time me and my mom came here, this woman is in none of the memories. I have never ordered a cherry pie, I am allergic to cherries.

-I think we should go.

We got up, ready to leave, when a trembling woman's voice made us stop at the entrance.

-Are you leaving so early?

I sighed, turning around prepared to reason with her when I met her glassy raging eyes.

-Yes, I'm sorry, unfortunately we have some things to do, but it was nice seeing you.

-Oh, I don't think so.


-You are not leaving yet.

-Listen, we have some...

In a blink she pull out a pistol and pointed it towards us making my blood freeze in my veins. Marcus stepped immediately in front, pushing me behind his back.

-Seems like your things gonna have to wait. Don't dare move!

-Easy now, we don't want any trouble.

She looked at Marcus and smiled, her freakish expression creeping me out.

-And you ain't going to get any, if you hand me the girl.


-Yes, you. I have been paid good money to bring you and I'm not going to give them back.

-Paid? By who?

-Private information.

My head was suddenly full of memories of those guys who kidnapped me before. A short flash brought back all the fear and bad times. I gasped and stepped back, sticking my body to the door.

Matilda saw me and started to get closer, the gun pointed at Marcus but her eyes staring deep into mine.

-Now, if you could just come with me, nothing bad will happen...everyone will be okay, including you...

I was concentrating on her, sticking myself to the door harder every time she spoke, but Marcus used the advantage of her not paying attention to him to grab the arm with the gun. I closed my eyes at the loud sound of a shot. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Marcus staring at me worried. I looked at the floor, where Matilda's body lied, with blood streaming out of a whole from her head. Tears came at the shock of seeing a corpse but Marcus made me focus on him again.

-We have to leave. Now.

He threw the gun on the ground and grabbed me by my arm dragging me into the car. I was staring blankly at the window when I noticed that the car was going to the right side. I looked at Marcus and saw him passed out with his head on the wheel.


I screamed and tried to grab the steering wheel but it was too late, the car hit hard a tree. I glanced at Marcus' bloody body before shutting my eyes.