Chapter 25

Three years later they were standing in front of each other once again, gazing into each other's eyes like nothing had happened, like the reality had broken down and they were the only survivors.

Marcus took a step forward to the centre of the maze, where the big fountain was, his eyes not letting Vivien's go for one second. She stepped towards him, her heart beating faster with each step which got her closer to him. Finally, they were facing each other right in front of the fountain, water splashing beside them with little fugitive drops getting on their clothes, arms, faces.


His mouth let go of an easy sound, his eyes concentrating on the blonde beauty standing right in front of him, his mind wondering how could he ever let go of such a treasure like her.


She smiled at the sound of her own fragile, defenceless voice.

-How have you been?

-Good, and you?


For a moment, there was silence, the complete absence of any sounds was ravishing both of them, no one wanted to break it. Their minds completely blank in front of the strong feelings that have settled upon them.

-I'm sorry.

-For what?

-For all these years without you, for disappointing you.

Vivien let her head fall in front, all of her trying to prevent her tears from falling.

-It's too late Marcus, it's too late for us.


He grabbed her hands into his, making her glance back at him, hope rising in his glassy green eyes.

-It's never too late. Come with me Vivien, let's run together.


-All these years without you have been nothing but pain, there wasn't one simple moment when I didn't wish I would have done things differently.

-Then why didn't you come sooner?

He didn't have an answer for that, because the truth was that he lied to himself. He chose Jennifer that day, even if his heart belonged with Vivien, and for a long time he made himself think that Jennifer was the answer to his ache.

-Why didn't you come to save me from the hell I was living in?

Vivien's crystalline voice had woken him up again to the present.

-I don't know.

-How can you not know?

-I was lost, I tried to forget about you, I thought it's better. But it never worked, don't tell me I haven't crossed your mind at least once.

-You did, many times.

-We belong together, don't you feel it?

-I do.

She took her hands from him and parted away, a shadow of darkness taking suddenly over her face.

-But I can't forgive you.


-You left me alone, I needed you and you left without looking back, I can't forgive that Marcus.

-I'm sorry.

-That won't change anything.

-I know.

-We can't be together, not anymore.

-Don't say that.

-It's true.

He stood in the middle of the maze, right beside the big fountain, drops of water escaping on his worn-out face, the love of his life taking steps behind, getting far from him. He closed his eyes feeling defeated.

-I won't let you go this time.

Vivien turned back to him, surprised by what he said, her body still slowly moving back towards the party until her heart took control and led her to where she really belonged.


-I love you, Vivien.

Her eyes widened and she stopped, even her heart stopped for a second before exploding in beats of happiness in her chest. She looked at him speechless, her bare words almost refusing to leave her mouth.


-I love you and I want to be with you, until death parts us.

Her legs started to guide her back to him, little steps transformed into big, hurried ones. She couldn't figure out what she was doing until she was back in his arms, in his tight hug that felt like a second home, a home she never knew she needed.

She took her head from his chest and gazed into his emerald green eyes which where sparkling back at her with joy. He leaned towards her and she let herself tiptoe in the hunger and desperation of reaching his mouth.

Three years and their love has been finally sealed again in one passionate kiss which gave away the feeling that they were never apart.

-I love you too.

A continuous clapping of two hands in the form of a sarcastic applause grew louder behind them, Marcus let go of Vivien who turned to see Oliver at the door she entered from.

-So emotional, I almost cried seeing you guys together again.

-What are you doing here?

-Isn't it obvious Marcus? I came to see the end of this love story between you two.

They looked at each other before staring back at the jerking man who was now slowly approaching them.

-I am so sorry to be the one who puts an end to this story, I surely enjoyed watching it.

Marcus stepped in front, pushing Vivien gently behind his protective back.

-What do you mean?

-I see you are still adjusted to your job.

-Explain yourself.

Said Marcus frowning in Oliver's direction, provoking only an amused response from him.

-I don't think I have to.

-You do if you want to still be alive after this.

-Oh, I don't think I am the one who will end up dead after this.

He pulled out a gun from his back and placed it in front of Marcus, right where his heart was still beating, now more agitatedly, scared for Vivien's safety.

-But because I am a good guy, I will explain.

He pointed his gaze to Vivien who was tightly wrapping Marcus in an embrace.

-I've been watching you.

She stared right back at him, her fear changing into confusion.

-Since that party where we hooked up, remember?

-You mean the party where you almost raped her!

-You stay silent or I'll shoot you.

-Since then I knew I had to make you mine, to finish what this idiot you are hugging interrupted.

Her eyes grew bigger remembering how weird both her dad and Marcus had acted.

-I started searching for you, it wasn't long until I found who you are and where you live. I wanted to come like the good guy and ask you out but when I saw that you are falling in love with him, I decided on ways more, unethical.

-You…you are the one who tried to kidnap me.

-Twice, yes.

-Matilda, she was sent by you.

She let go of Marcus and stepped towards Oliver, the anger in her eyes being able to be seen from miles away.

-Lucky me that my father found out about what I almost did at the party and forced your father to give me your hand in marriage so this won't go in the world. I got you as a present on my plate.

-You pig!

She screamed, held back by Marcus.

-You won't get away with this! You will never have me!

-Of course I will.

He said pulling the trigger of the gun and shooting Marcus in his right shoulder.

-After I get rid of him.


She looked at him worried while placing her hand on his cheek.

-I'm fine.

He said removing her hand and stepping in front.

-Not for too long.

Before Marcus could start running in Oliver's direction intending to attack him another bullet was shot. The bullet went faster than Marcus could ever go and forcefully entered Marcus' body, in his stomach. He fell, his face rigid, last traces of anger petrified on his motionless expression.


Vivien's scream filled the maze, followed by the sound of her throwing hurriedly herself on the ground beside Marcus.

-No…stay with me…

In the corner a satisfied smile could be visible, sounds of steps led him to the sitting silhouette of Vivien's, his smile growing bigger at the sight of the big drops which were rolling on her pale cheeks.

From the ground Marcus looked at her one more time, taking in all her beauty even when she was in pain. He reached to her ear and whispered his last words in it.

-Go, run as far as you can, I'll distract him.

Before she could fully comprehend what he said he grabbed Oliver's ankle making him fall. He then got up holding Vivien as well and pushed her as far as he could.


He said and she did, for the first time she was the one who obeyed to his orders. She ran without looking back, abandoning her elegant shoes somewhere in the maze. Behind her multiple sounds of shots ringing her ears.

Miles away in the woods, after running for hours, after reassuring herself that no one was following her anymore, she finally sat down. Her tears fell down her cheeks after many trials to hold them in, her hand sliding on her belly where the last piece of Marcus was killed before him.