Chapter 5 The Best Karma Ever

Erica Erica yells Jazz girl what do you want with me? Girl I heard the good news congratulation. I want to see my niece when you have her. Okay just wait she will be here soon and how did you find out about my pregnancy. Girl you know I know everybody you talk too. Lol just messy, so what you getting into Jazz? Nothing but go get me some in enjoy my day. Ooh okay that's what's up well I'm bout to head home in get some rest. Okay girl imma call you to make sure you made it. Okay girl I'm gone yeah.

I proceed home I was thinking to my self I'm only 16 what can I do with a baby this early. I made it home in got some bad news from my mama. Erica yes ma'am I have some bad news and some good news. Give me the bad news first your fathers out of jail the look on my face could tell I was scared. Then she said the good news is he can't come round you at all he have a leg monitor on. Okay I sat there with a look of disbelief on my face because they yet again let the devil out again.

While I was in school they gave me counseling and made sure I was okay. After counseling I had a surprise waiting for me my friend Jordan came in grab me you and this baby is mine's not matter what. I sat there in shock he said I will be the step daddy to this baby you caring. I don't care what your baby daddy Andrew have to say I will raise her like my own. Now mine you'll Andrew left me as soon as he finishes lying to get what he want. I'm standing there looking at Jordan like are you kidding me and he smile in said no I love you. In I'm here till the end. He really proved it. He took my hand close your eyes. I closed my eyes I walk into a baby shower I broke down crying in his arms. After the baby shower I was getting ready to head home when I got called into the office to meet the investigator who was on the case with my father. He pulled me into the office and pulled out a recorder in ask me some questions. Hey my name is officer James I'm here to ask you to take a test so I did. He said you pass so you wasn't lying you was telling the truth about everything.

I got my things in got on the bus in left. I got home in started crying because I was so depressed I didn't want no kid. I just wanted God to take my life but he didn't he kept me here for a reason. So the next day came I was feeling pains in my lower part. I laid there on top of her to make it stop but it didn't. My case manager came to my house she was a smart start lady who made sure I was good on everything.

Ms. Turner came in are you okay Erica? No I'm having pains every five minutes okay just relax. okay I relax where your mama? she not here yet. Okay okay stay calm I'm going to call her hey Ms. Williams mom how far are you she is in labor Ooh I'm right outside I'm coming in.

My mama came in you okay no it hurts so bad. Mama just calm your breathing I'm going to take a bath in be ready. I got up in put on some slides. I'm hurting as we on our way to the hospital I get a ring hey babes who is this? This Jordan Ooh hey babes I can't talk I'm in labor right now. Ooh bae why you didn't tell me cause I wanted to be there. I know you did but I'm heading in there now in so much pain I'll talk to you later love you. Love you too.

We hung up in I headed up the elevator to the delivery place me mama and my brother Jr. Me and Jr walked the halls of the hospital I made a stop or two to take a dump in they bathroom. By the time I made it to my bed my water broke in I hollered. Mama it hurts so bad baby hold on imma get you some help.

Jr left out cause it was to nasty for him to look at so mama got me help in they walked me to a room where I was for the delivery part. Jr was ready to go so my oldest brother girl Yatta came up there with us in brought food. She took Jr home while mama stayed so mama took a nap. I thought I was calling the nurse but actually was putting more pain meds in me. Yatta came back in we laughed and joke until my pain hit I said ahhhhhh Erica what's wrong baby it hurts so bad then the nurse came in and check me she said little mama took a dump in you. I was like really so they put a tube in me to clean me out. In by the time It got good in there she was on her way out.

Mama had look she said ol hell nawl you get her dam leg I can't look at that shit. The doctor grab my leg and mama held my hand. Yatta was scared of blood she passed out when she look at the baby come out down there. I hear the nurse say get her some oxygen she's going out so round third push I was out didn't see nothing but black. They rushed to get the oxygen on me Ms Williams yes wake up baby we need you to push for use three more pushes she will be here.

I push, push, and push in out popped my baby girl. She's here her head was out my pussy in it stared burning like a bitch. Like a bitch throwed a match on it I hollered cause she ripped me I had to get stitches because of her. Yatta came back awwwwww she is beautiful congratulations sis I love you. I love you too so mama cut the cord. Mama was so happy she got her first grand child.

On April 14, 2005 baby girl Monica Shane Jackson was born in Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. I got a congratulations from every one. Then my mama got a phone call I over hear the conversation tell that mother fucker he will never see this baby. Oh she don't have to worry he's lock back up. Yes that's what that bastard gets hangs up. Guess what he's gone back behind bars so you don't have to worry about him no more you are safe now.

I couldn't do nothing but cry because I was happy. I got to be at peace for once. I got to hold my daughter for the first time. I ain't got to worry about being in the presents of that monster. I never thought my day could get any better. But unfortunately my life turn for the worse even doe I had my joy here on earth with me.