Chapter 16 Job Corp Days

Aye we on our way to a new place new living new everything. So we finally landed in Atlanta Georgia I was so excited at the airport. But then as we see a group of students standing in a doorway asking are we here for Atlanta Job Corp.

Me and Lisa both was like yes we are. Lisa I'm nervous right now my stomach hurting and I have to use the bathroom. I was holding it until the other girl got off her flight. So as we got on the van to head to our destination we looking like what the hell.

I'm not gone lie I was crying cause I wanted to go home because it looked scary on the west side of Atlanta. So as we go through the gate I looked at Lisa nervous as hell. We gets out all eyes on us. The other girl cried to go back home the same day in we was mad cause we sat there waiting on her for hours in i had to piss and she want to go home I was mad.

Lisa said Erica it's scary here I said ikr. As we walk to the room we meet other people who came in with us the same day or the next day. I cried I want to go home I don't like it here. Erica said Lisa you have to do it for yourself and your daughter if not you do it for my niece.

I suck it up in put on my big girl panties. My first day there me an Lisa was shy. But never knew we had haters already cause of how we we're. This chick I don't know started some drama with me because they nigga was checking me out. The girl came up with her friend hey bitch I don't know you but I don't like you. Me and Lisa look like who this hoe talking too.

I look at Lisa like let's keep walking. She started running off at the mouth in Lisa turned in spoke. Look little girl if you got a problem with my sis you got a problem with me. Ill catch you by yourself so watch your back.

I bust out laughing like girl you don't scare nothing here I'm from Florida in I'll show you a beat down. Me and Lisa kept walking to our room. We was put in a temporary room before moving into our regular rooms. As we settled a couple of students ask us did we want to go get messed up our first week there. Of course me and Lisa got dressed in headed out the hole in the gate by the picnic area. We get on Simpson street the worse street ever mind you'll we don't know nothing bout this street.

As we got to the hole in the wall club we had got some drinks and smoked out while there. So we step outside for a minute for air a man walks up to us. Hey sexy ladies hey how are you good. One of the drunk ones in they slick mouth had to say some dumb stuff to the man. I'm telling her to shut the hell up but she keep on talking.

He pull a revolver on all of us in pointed it in our face. I told that stupid girl I will never go no where else with her dumb ass. Me and Lisa headed back to the school by ourselves. We got back in took a bath in laid in bed together because I couldn't sleep by myself.

The Ila came in the room waking us up talking bout get in your own bed ain't no sleeping in each other so I got up in moved but when that heifer left I got right back in her bed. So as we get in good me in Lisa have us a little fun in the room before we head to class. Lisa make sure we meet down stairs okay okay says Lisa.

As we get in people started coming to me telling me Lisa talking mess about me around to everybody there. I confronted Lisa I heard you talking mess about me to people I don't even know. No I didn't say nothing about you so who ever told you that is a lie. In I'll tell them in they face they a lie.

I went in got the people who said she said something about me and she did exactly what she said she would do. Me in Lisa fell out in she moved out the room into another room. As me and Lisa stop talking for a while until one day some girls tried to jump me she wasn't having that. Lisa say we got a problem Ooh I thought you'll didn't like each other.

Girl that's my sister if you got a problem with her you got one with me just cause we mad Erica is mines for life. So the girls was like you'll fake call me what you want but we are ride or die to the end. So as me and Lisa walks off I don't care if we fight in argue you my sister in I wouldn't let nobody bother you. So as we got back cool I got to meet her friend she meet here.

One night we all out hanging in the picnic area we played truth or dare so of course me I played. I got tongue kissed by a female and got my chest suck on. It was time to go in and head up stairs for the night of course I got a kiss from one of girls. The next day I seen Lisa and her friend they was hanging enjoying they self.

One day Lisa was down stairs in her friend came to the room. Round this time I don't know what I was going through. I'm in the shower I hear a knock at the door so I get out with a towel on. Who is it? It Lisa friend so I open the door she's not here no more what's up. I came to wait on her here because she's coming here in a minute.

Mind you'll I got back in the shower in finish bathing came out in my towel. Can you step in the other room or step out? Why should I I'm single I can do what I want. I was like child boo you wish you was single. She started kissing on me I was like what you doing she was like I want to play.

She pulled my towel off in started kissing my body in I moan. So she started kissing the lips I moan so then I look in her eyes they are the most beautiful eyes ever. Her lips was so soft so she start playing in we got into. I hear a key at the door I ran in the bathroom. I hear Lisa voice hey bae wyd in here without me? She said Ooh just waiting on you. They left together an I came out the bathroom smelling like good soap.

But I didn't know that soap left a sent on her until we meet up in the tv room. As I pass Lisa she gives me this look like I know that smell. I rushed down stairs not knowing her friend had the sent on her. I knew eventually she was gone put it together I stayed away in started acting different round her friend in she started trying to put the pieces together in that's when the other side came out.