Laurence's past

"Clean up this mess." The guard pushes Annalie onto the floor as she stayed silent, wipe her hands onto the floor grabbing pieces of food. "Sir. King James wanted to see you, he wanted to talk to you about his missing son and his hitman.." Annalie's eyes widen as she focus cleaning up, the high guard looked at her as he walked away with the guard. Annalie remembers about two men at the island, she smiled about thinking her friends and her people. "I'm sorry.." "You're sorry? For what?" She looked up seeing the young man, he narrowed his eyebrows looking confused. Annalie stands up as she clears her throat, wiping her hand from her raggy clothes. "I was just thinking of my friends. That's all and why are you here Laurence?"

    He walk besides her as he chuckles. "Already knew my name? Wow, first you showed up being all mighty hero being a princess, gotten too attached with the children and old people here. And what you stayed just for a week, how long will you keep this up?" He turned his head slightly, he looked away. "I understand how much you hate me, and I'm sorry for that. But you will not understand why I can't tell them about me." "Oh yea, you will be execute for it. Listen Princesita, I don't hate you.. I just telling you this, don't get too attached from these slaves. You're going to regret it one day and you will see." She grabbed his shirt tightly stopping him from walking. "How did you.. Ended up here?" She ask looking down, he stayed silent as he turned around facing her. "I was born here. Anything else you want to ask me or wait until we're back into our chambers?"


     He grinned as she stayed silent, Laurence walked away glaring at the gaurds as they were coming back. "I can't believe how Queen Elizabeth changed, she's having children as her slaves and treating them like her own heir. Ha, what idiots. Sooner or later they'll be laying down breathing slowly." "You are right about that, and when those children are gone. We have the women to ourselves, but to me I don't want those nasty dirty ones you know?" "Yes! Like give me those twenties females." Annalie stayed silent as she felt disgusted hearing those words, she shivers slightly. "Look at this one, whoever has her, they're lucky. Hahaha!" She tears up silently standing up walking away with bucket.

   "It's Annalie! Princess!" "Princess Annalie!" The children ran up to her as they laughed happy seeing her at the chambers. Annalie places her finger onto her lips gently, the children stayed silent as they sat down looking at her, some were giggling. "I know you're happy to see me, but don't shout my name or else I'll get captured." "Oh no, we won't Miss Anna!" Kid yelled as he smiles, Annalie rubbed his head gently glancing at Laurence, he shook his head staring at her smiling slowly. "Do you want to know a story about a young warrior who traveled around the sea to fight his revenge against the dragon?" The children gasps as some of them were yelling saying "Dragons!" "Yes please!" "Does he fall in love?" "Oh! Is he a prince charming?" Laurence chuckles softly, Annalie laughed. "Ok, ok.. Let me tell a story, once upon of time. There were a young man holding his sword tightly slaining his enemies, his fellows followed him as they were yelling and shouting. They cheered him loudly as they name him "Laurence the hero." Annalie's voice fades slowly.

    "You sure know how to put them asleep." Laurence sat besides her as he glanced around the children. "Heh, I done this many times when I saved the slaves. It never gets old, usually the mothers be asleep for couple days while their kids run around the ship." Annalie chuckles holding a boy in her arms, she smiled gently touching his hair. "Did you had kids?" Laurence ask staring at her. "No, I didn't. I wish, but young age and have to go sailing to fight? I rather wait." "But don't you feel that one day you'll die by a sword, and never get a chance to have a family?" Annalie nudges him softly. "You sure know how to be so negative."

     Laurence stayed silent as he sighed. "My mother.. died of illness when I was 8. I was by myself, but there was a guard once. He was kind and caring mostly loving person we saw as slaves. He would even try his best to feed me and the other kids, when I was 15. He was killed by his fellow guard for playing with the children. I lost emotions, never felt devastated.. It just left when I found out his death. I saw him like a friend, a brother, and a father." Annalie stared at him frowning, her hand placed his shoulder smiling at him. "Losing someone may be hard.. But what you been through as a kid, I may not have a compare to you.. Laurence, I'm sorry for your losses."

"It's nothing really. I felt something that I had to say it to you, made me feel relieved." He spoke softly, Annalie laid her head on his shoulder. "We should rest. Hopefully nothing gets worse.." She yawned slowly, Laurence stayed silent wrapping his arm around her. "Goodnight princesita."