Mason trudged through the dense woods, he was lost in thought but he didn't care, his hands were covered in dirt and his eyes were wild "you did good sport" "thanks, I did my best" he took whatever items were lying on the ground that had his DNA on them, then through them into his backpack a nearby stream including his shirt, pants, and shoes and walked back to the large lump of dirt "stupid bitch" he stood initially over the dirt "take her finger" "okay" Mason then bent down and grabbed the dead girls hand from the pile, he then bent the finger off and placed the finger on his sock "you know what to do now" "yeah" Mason then headed back to his house where his mother stood "oh honey, what happened to you!" his mother shocked, Mason then put on his fake pitiful look "I-I got into a fight with the Braxton boys, they called me a faggot and then took my cloths off and my bag then threw them in the stream, I tried to get them back but they stopped me" he sniffed 'you're a good actor', his poor mother looked down at her battered son before taking his arms and bringing him inside "no school for you today young man, you look like an utter mess" 'such a gulible bitch' "yes mom, can I take a shower really quick" he asked with a voice of a four year old "of course, get all that mud and blood off of you while your at it" she chuckled, he smiled at her before going up the stairs and into his room, he then locked the door 'okay, you know what to do now' Mason nodded then walked over to his bed where he pulled out a wooden box with a pentagram and a goats head carved into it, it looked old and worn from time with a smell of metalic rust, mason opened the box and placed the slender finger inside, then he took out a razor blade from one of his dresser draws and cut his wrist and proceeded to let the velvet liquid drip onto the finger 'thats it for now, time to get in the shower' Mason nodded and then grabbed the cloths he would wear after his shower.

"you know why you're here right?" the devil wore his finest suit as he stared down at Alex, who was scared shit less "n- no sir, is it about the human im looking after?" "ring a ding ding give the man a prize," he said as he snapped his fingers, in response a servant had brought in two large bottles of wine with two wine glasses with a bucket of ice, Satan then poured himself and Alex one, the room was surrounded by lava and was deathly hot for a human at least but to a demon but then fear that grew inside the demon, was terrifying. Alex played with his wine for a bit as the demon began to talk at a slow pace "well I believe its about time you knew the truth about Roxanne" "pause, how do you know the human's name?" "well that's where the truth comes out" the devil then pulled out a red folder from mid-air and slid it over to the confused creature "you need to read everything that's in that while I show you a video" Satan then pulled out a projector from now where and a white screen as he proceeded to show a video of a nurse "you see Alex, you aren't dealing with any human..." Alex opened the file to see a small picture of Roxanne and a bio on her along with everything she had done so far and her family standards "15 year's ago, a nurse who had been involved with a cult, was entrusted to do a very special and high honored task, she would be in charge of giving a baby of my spawn to human parents after she was given the baby by a demon who im sure you know Crocell, she proceeded to give that baby to a pair of humans with a bad reputation so that the baby would have the rage and anger to one day become the anti-christ and destroy all life on earth and then, with my power and my child's, heaven and hell will fall into war thus will end the rein of the angels and of god" Alex looked at the devil confused "okay so now I have to leave my human and now look after the Antichrist" "yes and no"the devil winked "what do you mean then?" the devil sighed, he took a sip of his wine then threw the glass to the side as he crawled over the table towards Alex with such speed that could only be related to a horror film "you have been watching her this whole time" he said with a dark chuckle "oh shit..." Alex said gravely "on her next birthday which is in two weeks, we will be sending her a 'special' birthday present that is to die for, I want you to keep looking after my daughter until the time comes for battle" "HOLD THE MOTHER FUCKIN PHONE, YOUR TELLING ME THAT IM IN CHARGE OF BASICALLY ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW!!!" "and she doesn't have to know until the time comes and the four horsemen of chaos will rise and they will tell her everything-" "what do you mean not tell her, she has basically been living a lie her whole life, you have watched her suffer for years and you just expect her to listen to you" Alex began to stand down when the dark lord glared down at the him, his glare was sinister and dangerous "why are you being so defensive of my child morelak, you sound as if you care for her" Alex swallowed his courage"s-sir no disrespect but, she saved my life and I am forever in debt to be her best friend, since you have been watching her ,you of all 'beings' should know" "like I know about that little incident between you and her last night!" he barked back at him, Alex now knew to keep his mouth shut "know morselak, go back to the human realm and help my child on her test, just like me she wants to make everyone suffer" Alex said nothing more, he rose from his seat and pushed it in before leaving out the large grand doors "oh and another thing Alex" Alex turned his head toward his master "dont even think about telling Roxanne, understand me" Alex nodded his head before bolting out the large doors, he had rushed away from the door with such speed that he hadnt realized that crocell was right in front of him and they had crashed into each other "damn it Alex, watch where your going" "so sorry crocell but I really have to go" as Alex started to rush again, Crocell grabbed his arm "calm the fuck down, you look like you just saw a ghost, what the hell happened in there" "CANT SAY, GOT TO GO!!!" Alex said before running away up the escalator to the human realm, Crocell looked confounded "the hell is wrong with him?"

Alex drove like a mad man to the highschool 'I have to tell her, I have to save her' he told himself, his mind was at work trying to understand what had just happened, he has been taking care of the Antichrist all this time and no one cared to tell him, now he's stuck and fucked, he has to somehow stop Roxanne from destroying the world ...

'goddamn, where is he, the test is about to start' Roxanne thought as she played with her pencil, Rodney was just inches away from her, she loved the way his hair was done, slicked back and with a small hair curled over his eyes like superman, the history teacher began to talk before he started to pass out the test and as if on cue, Alex came rushing in, Roxanne sighed as her friend made his way over to her and began to tell her all the answers of the test.

as according to plan, Roxanne had gotten a 100% on her test, she was the only one to get such a score that everyone called her out for cheating but to have no proof, later that day after school, Alex and Roxanne decided to walk from school to the old millers lake and go skinny dipping "come on Alex, the waters nice" she said, her naked body under the water "I don't know Roxy, maybe this isn't a good idea" "come on, there might be a bloodthirsty water snake that could kill me and you would be too chicken to save me" she mocked "fine" he growled before walking into the water, Roxanne swam over to him and splashed him in the face "something tells me you need to cool down" she giggled before diving into the water "water puns, really, you made that one up and you could have done so much better" he said before diving in after her, the two friends played water tag and ate oranges that Roxanne was able to steal from school "hey Alex, can you magic me a towel" she asked still in the water when out of thin air a towel landed on her shoulders "thank you" she said in a child like manner before emerging from the water and sat right next to him on a large mossy stone "you have been acting weird today, is everything alright" Alex looked at her, she was completely naked "put your cloths on-" "hey wait, whats that?" she said pointing to something floating in the water, before she could go, Alex grabbed her arm "I will get it, you stay here and get dressed" Roxanne nodded as she watched her friend go back into the lake, she began to put on her cloths and dry her hair before Alex came back with a soggy back pack, it was gross, covered with stains and lake water "lets open it" she said as she rushed over and then opened the bag, ther were nasty sheets a necklace with gold and pearls and a large satanic carving knife "must'ev been from a cult" Alex said as he tried to take the bag but Roxanne stopped him "wait, I want the knife" "Absolutly-" "please Alex, I promise i wont hurt anyone" she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and the sweetest smile, Alex groaned before handing the girl the knife "here, dont get me in trouble thats a class B sacerficing knife your handeling""what does that mean?" "well Roxy, that means that this knife was used for sacerificing childen, virgins, baby animals, and that also means that high ranking demons are trapped within this blade" "thats so cool, what do the symbols mean" "well this on right here means dawn and this one means dark lord" "dawning of the dark lord" "no It means the dawning of a new lord" "well thats stupid, who came up with that" "the devil" then he's pretty fucking dumb" Roxanne said as she placed the knife in her jacket pocket before the two began to walk back to the house "Hey Alex" she said aburtly "yes Roxy?" "do you think I'm a bad person" this question caught Alex off guard by this question but answered "of course not-" "don't feed me bullshit Alex, I want to know the truth" Roxanne stared at him with a blank expression, she wanted to know and Alex knew better than to lie to her, she was smart and cunning she knew bull shit when it was in the air "Roxanne, I know you can be a prick at times and you try to show people that you are the best but sometimes I feel like you are...trying to get rid of the memory you have of your childhood" it was quiet, "really?, thats all?" "no no, theres more" Roxanne sat there listening "remember the day you saved my life?" "well yeah, of course I do" "and do you remeber why you saved me?" Roxanne thought for a moment "you were alone, in the woods, bleeding out from your ankle, looking for help trying to get free, i thought of myself being in that position, being trapped in a bear trap isnt the best way to die any way so why leave yuo there to die an imbarassing death like that huh?" she chuckled "well I guess thats one way to-" Roxanne interrupted this by hugging him " and because I was lonely, I needed a friend and I thought why not make a deal with a demon, so...thank you for being more forced best friend," she said before taking his claw and leading him to the house 'your the best friend anyone could ever ask for...thank you for excepting me for who I am...' Roxanne said to herself.

That night Crocell took it upon himself to watch Alex and Roxanne through the window of her bedroom sleeping, Alex floated in the air and Roxanne laid soundly in her bed 'what is wrong with you big guy, your acting so weird'....