Bedtime story

"Those born with golden spoon, suffers the most" - author.

A beautiful adolescent girl was reclining on an armchair on the balcony. There was no other source of light except for the moonlight gracing its presence from the sky. 

The moonlight gave her an unearthly glow while reflecting on her skin like newly polished diamonds along with forming a glossy look on her jet black hair. 

It also enhanced the color of her dark chocolate eyes and her eye color was lifted to golden hazel. Those who had witnessed this scene would have thought of her as an angel who had descended from heaven as she sat perfectly reclining on the armchair while she bathed in moonlight.

She had an impassive look on her face that gave a nonchalant feel towards the world. She suddenly got up and looked towards the endless blue sky. The stars glowed brightly in the night sky making the sky look more lively and breathtaking. She gazed at the moon with a pinpointed glare was if trying to create a hole in the moon.

"Tonight is beautiful," she said bitterly as the melody resonated from the radio.


This vast world is cruel.

Royalty destroys families apart for power.

Emperors live atop their extravagant thrones and well-chiseled palaces.

With only their outer walls standing strong.

I had a wish for me to take you up in my arms one day.

However, unlike those castle walls, you broke me.

My love was betrayed and cast away.

I loved you; I did.

But no longer can I stand to see you.

Unless it's to grovel beneath my feet.

For my heart no longer beats for you.


There was an eerie silence on the balcony, like that in a ghost town. She got flashbacks of her lover as the song played in the background with series of shouts.

"I have told you more than 100 times Aleena; you are mine! And no one, not even your parents or friends can snatch you away from me,"

She shuddered slightly as if a shiver ran through her spine.

"...tch, you made me kill your family, Aleena. your family is no more.No else but you are the reason of their death."

She threw the radio and watched it break into a thousand pieces as she stomped on it with her heels.

"No! Don't kill them. I beg you to leave them!" She cried out desperately as if she was telling him to leave her loved ones.

A man's face flashed into her subconscious mind and every single memory surfaced. She remembered him scaring her and voices rang in her mind, telling her to stop everything that happened but she knew the price she had to pay to end it all.

 She couldn't destroy everything as memories can't be destroyed. Her face showed fear, and her eyes became tearful as the nightmare played in her mind like a broken tape recorder. 

Her life was that of a broken vase, molded again to appear like what it once was. Her body language showed despair as if she was burned in depts of hell to get polished and shine like a diamond.

" N-no, it must not happen.... He can't win... Noo... They can't die."

 Aleena muttered after she felt the reality settling in her. Suddenly, someone entered the room and engulfed Aleena into a hug. The person's arms tried to comfort her, but pity and despair was evident on their face.

 In fear, Aleena threw the person away who got hit by a small vase on the shelf making the person bleed a little but the intruder stood up and hugged Aleena again while trying to calm her down.

"Aleena relax, breathe for me," she asked in a soothing voice while patting Aleena on her back like a child.

Aleena slowly became accustomed to her cuddling and started sobbing while the other girl rubbed her back to calm her down.

 Aleena's voice trembled as she spoke tearfully, "Tayiba, what did I do wrong to face this? What did I do to have deal with this nightmare?"

Tayiba stared at Aleena blankly for a moment before continuing to snuggle her until Aleena felt better as she felt unable to answer Aleena's question. After a few minutes, when Aleena was stable. She slowly pushed herself up to stand up but Tayiba held her as her legs wobbled.

They both went toward the balcony for a breather.

 "Tay, I have heard that when you look towards the moon, you can see the one you love," Aleena muttered with a smile on her face.

"I don't know Lena; I never tried it. Maybe it's true," Tayiba replied with a straight face.

"If it is true, then why can't I see anyone? Maybe the moon is too bright for me to see anyone or the moon wants me to not see the person I once loved," Aleena's face turned dark, sadness reflecting in her eyes.

"That's not true-"

Tayiba started talking, but before she could complete her sentence, they both heard a loud voice that contained cuteness in it and it screamed mom and aunty.

 They both looked at each other bewildered but acknowledgment was evident in their eyes. They took a deep breath and tried to appears as calm and normal as possible.

When a little guy showed up at the door and ran toward Aleena, who went on her knees after predicting his action that the little guy wants hug even when anger was evident on his face.Even in anger, he engulfed Aleena in a hug while murmuring. "Mum and aunty, where did you go without me?"

The little guy, Aahil, had a small chubby face, black hair, and hazel eyes. He was cute and handsome, his face ultimately a result of his dad's handsome face.The little guy was pouting that looked so cute that even a stone hearted person will melt under his gaze.

"Where can we go without you, little munchkin?" 

Tayiba told the little guy and then grinned with adoration in her eyes while Aleena's eyes showed a mixture of hatred and love and her face had a smile plastered on it.

 "Yes, we are here, aren't we?" Aleena told him with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"But why were you both not in my room after I freshened up?" Aahil asked with a glare that made Aleena' heart melt.

"We needed to take a quick breather, so we came outside, baby," Aleena replied, patting her son's head. Her face blank, but her eyes were showing adoration.

"Ok since I found both of you here, can we go back to my room and listen to mom's night time story?" Aahil asked with enthusiasm evident in his face and seeing his excited face Aleena ruffled his hair making him pout first but then he giggled.

"Sure, let's go," Tayiba replied with a grin, looking at Aleena momentarily as if telling her to stay put and stay calm.

Aahil took Aleena and Tayiba's hands and went towards the room where the three of them laid down on the bed. Aleena started a story when Aahil interrupted her by saying , "Mom, I want to listen to a horror story." he demanded with a puppy face.

Listening to her son's request, Aleena felt like a heavy piece of stone was placed on her heart and she had a gloomy face for a split second but she made herself smile, a fake smile was all over her face.

"Baby, when you are big enough, I will tell you a horror story, but for now, listen to this story," Aleena chuckled and dodged her son's request by changing the whole topic swiftly.

"Ok mom, promise me you will tell me a horror story," Aahil asked in his cute voice filled with hope and joy.

"Yes, I promise," Aleena answered his plea in a promising voice, "but for now, you shall hear the story of a prince who didn't know he was from a royal family."

All of them dozed off while listening and narrating the story, they looked peaceful and had a smile on their face, but only to have darkness cover them like a blanket and make their life into a nightmare.

Hi readers!

Before you drive deep into my story, I will like to give you a general idea on what my story is about. The story I am creating is cruel love story, which deals with both good and bad side of love and depicts the care, emotion and feelings.

My main aim for writing this story was to show two points, one was to show that women can be weak at times but she is always strong enough to face crisis and save her loved ones. Second reason was to show that marriage and love is not a game that we can play and it won't effect out life and behavior. 

In future obviously there will be situations such as giving up, killing themselves and others and even giving up fame and power. There will be time where time will crush my female lead existence but she will emerge as a strong person and make every person pay for what they did and also make the world recognize her worth.

I hope you all will support me till the end of this story. Please leave behind an honest opinion about this story and give votes with Power Stones as it will encourage me to write better and more.