
After working until midnight, Zain was tired, and his back arched. He felt the urge to sleep, but there was one last file left, and he wanted to complete it before he slept. 'ah, my luck, I never thought that managing the kingdom and business would be so hard. But nagging myself won't help, so I may as well just complete my file,' he thought to himself. He cleaned up the mess on his table and went to sleep.


After a few hours of sleep, as usual, Zayed came to wake Zain, and in an hour, Zain dressed up and was about to open his tablet when Zayed entered.

"Aye, I have news from his majesty," He announced with excitement.

"what is it, Zayed?" Zain growled.

"We are going to visit the town, undercover," Zayed grinned.

"Again? No! I don't want to go; they are filthy, " Zain gagged.

"Come on, Zain, you won't regret it; please say yes," Zayed begged.

"Send anyone else," Zain snapped, dismissing Zayed

"His majesty instructed everyone not to help you, so you have no choice," Zayed informed Zain while trying to suppress his smile.

"Yeah, right, dad is always like this; let's get this over this," Zain gave in.

"Aww, don't be so harsh it hurts," Zayed pouted, mocking Zain with a hand on his heart.

"Don't force me to hit you where it hurts," Zain threatened.

Zayed flinched at his comment and sighed, "ok ok, let's change and go."

They changed into usual attire, which was a  long shirt, loose trousers, and a turban, and they went to the town and saw different types of people with many kinds of shops on both sides of the road, and owners were shouting to grab customers. They decided to go to a shoe shop and buy something to disguise themselves as customers and went to a shop that looks decent, according to Zain.

Upon entrance, the owner greeted them, "Welcome, sir, how can I help you."

"Help me find a shoe of size 40," Zain ordered.

"Yes, help this young man first, I'll tell you later," Zayed covered up for Zain's arrogance as they exchanged provocative glares.

"Sir, will this do?" The owner asked, presenting him with a shoe.

"No," Zain rejected, barely looking at the shoe.

"This one?" The owner asked again.

"No, bring me dark colored boots," Zain commanded, and the guy went to find them.

"What are you doing?" Zayed said, pulling Zain aside, "We are not in the castle!"

"I don't care, and I don't like it," Zain shrugged, anger showing in his eyes, "get me out of here soon, or I'll kill someone."

"Relax, ok?" Zayed asked nicely.

"How can I? this whole place is dirty," Zain grumbled, kicking at the dust on the floor of the shop.

The salesman came back, and after trying 15 different shoes, Zain selected one and let the poor guy free, then Zayed chose his boots and went out to check things.

The street was more filled than usual, and by mistake, someone bumped into zain

"I am sorry," the man apologized.

Zain got hold of him and shouted at him, "can you look where you are going?"

"Look, man, I said sorry," the man shrugged, slightly alarmed at Zain's erratic behaviors.

"Does your sorry even count?" Zain scoffed, provoking the man.

"I said sorry," the man growled, his anger slowly rising, "so there is no need to create the drama."

Zain grabbed him by the collar and shook him, "do you even know who I am?!"

"I don't care, let my collar go," the man retorted, his teeth grinding against each other.

The small argument started to cause a bigger problem and invited the attention of others when Zayed whispered to Zain, for him to let the mango. Luckily, Zayed was there to manage the propaganda, and after the matter was solved he dragged Zain to a corner and he whispers-shouted

"What were you trying to do, huh?" Zayed scolded, "we could have been caught."

"Like I care, who asked his majesty to assign us the task?" Zain replied in an annoyed tone.

"Zain, be careful! Don't blow our cover, please," Zayed pleaded, "at least for me?" 

"I am hungry, let's go to that cafe," Zayed changed the conversation after Zain calmed down.

"No, it's dirty," Zain gagged, "I am not going there." 

"Please," Zayed pleaded.

"No," Zain denied.

"Ok, make me starve then," Zayed shrugged, " If I die it will be on you."

"Fine, we will be out as soon as possible," Zain sighed.

"Sure, man, let's go, " Zayed chuckled excitedly.

They walked into the cafe. It was beautiful, with a wooden counter for order, and wooden tables were there for a person to sit. It was a pleasant cafe but not for Zain. For him, it was a tin with a lot of trash.

There was a TV on one side of the cafe and Zain was tired of looking here and there while the food was served. Zayed dug in while Zain looked at the menu with disgust and focused on the tv, which was playing Xyz channel, and after minutes of watching, there was a break, and finally, the show started; it was someone called Lena.

Zain was bored, but a familiar voice snapped his face up, and he saw Aleena wearing a gown and a smile on her face. His heart thumped as he looked at her, falling in love with her again as she looked angelic with short hair, but then, he remembered the fact that he had loved her lengthy hair, and his passion turned to anger in a second.

He suddenly stood, which shocked Zayed so much, he nearly choked on his food. And Zain started throwing things away, grabbing a vase that was on the farther end of the corner and threw it towards the staff, and when he tried to stop Zain, that person was beaten to a pulp. making Zayed think

' what the hell, why can't I eat in peace, zain is this much aggressive mode, this better is good.