Reward Or Punishment

Afzan, arham and shivered when they met the king and the coldness in his voice was the reason why they were shivering.

Three of them wanted to hide at this moment because everyone knew that when the king is angry he will punish badly and when he is happy he will punish what the person is deemed worthy of.

The air in the courtroom was warm compared to the air outside but three of them still can't stop cowering and calm themselves down.

The King was very unhappy but he was handsome for his age. His eyes were blazing with fire and his words were sending chills to a person.

"Welcome my sons and my dear friends, did you all enjoy the trip?"

The King asked all three if them and none of them answered making the king more angry than he was already and he said 

" Tell me, did you enjoy it?"

The King asked with gritted teeth showing that he is beyond pisssed and then he looked at the guards