
Aleena asked Tayiba the question which shocked the both and also aahil was on the side with phone in his hand. Aleena always gave  him the phone to play game with whenever the chat between Tayiba and aleena happen

" tell me Tayiba,  did you put up with same fate as me or worse than me"

Aleena repeated the question again while wiping her tears which came out of nowhere when the question left the mouth of aleena. Tayiba's face was white as chalk and she was stiff as if she was carrying tons of the load.

After wiping the tears, aleena waited for Tayiba to be stable enough and as soon as Tayiba was back to normal. She gulped and then looked up to see at aleena while thinking

'It can't be, she can't know, I can't let her know, if she knows what I went through, she will make then pay ten folds. Aleena was kickass since her birth, the waheed family always trained us girls on how to self defense and how to hide when something is up and is dangerous'.