Devil's rule

"Selena are you out of your mind!? Give and take rule is not something you can ask for easily!?"

Aleena shouted after hearing Selena's demand for the give and take rule. It looked simple but it was not simple at all. Aleena and Selena both know what they have signed up for and what will be the result of it. Aleena was shocked after hearing the rule and went into deep thoughts

'What to do? Selena asked for the devils rule and it's the first time anyone has. Asked for it so I have no other option then to agree for it. Selena I don't wanna do it because you will give me a bad dare and I have to drink that weird mixture of chilli sauce, alcohol and lemon. I don't want to drink. My dear soul, rest in peace because we are in for the devil rule. Aish someone save me!'