

Selena shouted after seeing the surprised expression on aleena's face. Life was playing with her and she was playing it. Either way aleena was being played with. Aleena was too shocked to speak so Selena yelled

"are you scared of me finding the truth?"

Selena yelled at Aleena in a pissed voice making Aleena lunch but in reality Selena wanted to ask that in a calm tone. After noticing aleena flinch, Selena wanted to facepalm herself and tell

'You bitch, I want to know the truth but you should have told me. I still am finding the truth, don't abuse me or I will abuse you'

But in reality Selena can't do that due to two major reasons. One was that no cursing was allowed in aleena's dictionary and second was that aleena hated the world abuse to the core, so whenever she saw abuse or heard abuse she would smash the hell out of that person.