End Result

"so, tell me the result of it quickly"

Aleena told Selena more like ordered her to tell her the details on what she had ordered before. selan nodded her head like a lost puppy does to his owner and the heard aleena say


Hearing the single word from Aleena, Selena narrated the whole report asked by Aleena making Selena feel like a stalker or worse as a right hand man of Aleena but sadly she was only a right hand woman, one can't change the gender of people just to deliver the message.

"Everything is the truth, every single thing found till now is nothing more than the truth"

Selena told aleena which shocked aleena to the level that she was like what the hell is happening and why did she say that so in order to get no more shocks aleena decided to cut off Selena and clear this matter first.

'I will fight him for my family and for my loved ones'