
"no don't do that, I think I will be find without check up"

tayuba asked, bewildered by the sudden request of aleena and also by the sudden change in plan, looking at sudden change of expression, aleena got on alert and tried to get tayiba to avoid the possible outcomes. Aleena guessed that the worst outcomes will be panic attacks due to fear or some memory that has the power to get her imagination to make her unable to break free.

"but its health and we should not play with health"

Aleena tried to argue with Tayiba, which was just a cover because Aleena knew that hiding the bruises was to avoid the doctor and check up and on top of that she would avoid the doctor to null the chances of Aleena knowing the truth. The best and for most points was that she was not really I'll because when Aleena held Tayiba's hand it was of normal temperature and had no sign of fever.