Difference In Treatment

"We have heard that you became a Shaman Apprentice. You are finally moving above the ranks." Aen excitedly exclaimed as he rests himself at the pile of wooden baskets near the room's entrance.

Currently, the group is inside the kitchen hut where it became a quiet place akin to a headquarter.

During the absence of Argus, the bunch of idiots under the guidance of Yagnos—the bead thief, have slowly become adept on hand to hand combat which is taught through by Yagnos.

Talto on their way through the Saman's Kanya briefly explained this to Miguel.

"Ahh Young Master, once you are healed we will show you something that I believe you would definitely like!" Talto beaming a bright expression written on his face had a meaningful smile.

But his smile only made Miguel quite annoyed, Talto looked stupid to the point of painting a punchable face.

"About Ario... How is he?" Miguel asked seemingly more interested in the baby croc than Talto himself, which kind of made Talto a bit dismayed.

But that's not all, his next sentence made Miguel even more annoyed.

"Who is Ario anyway?" Dawned with a clueless expression, Talto quizzically asked with his arms raised on both sides, also raising his shoulders to gesture his innocence.

Upon hearing Talto, Miguel was so irked that he voraciously gnawed the roasted chicken leg he was eating down to its soft bone, making some crunching noises.

"Hmm, brother... That Ario, young Master was talking about is that baby croc you almost ate." Malpi, the most reasonable among the bunch interjected as he explained, hinting at another fiasco that Talto probably made.

Miguel could only sigh, hopeless that the people he got is more than useless than what he had initially expected. But belatedly elated, when Malpi indicated a joyful message.

"Ario is fine. He had grown bigger from before." As Malpi said so, he gestured in his hands his own estimated size. Stretching both of his hands, specifying that the size of Ario looked almost a meter long.

Miguel is quite shocked when he heard it and his lips curved upwards. "At least, they have accomplished something during my absence." As he inwardly thought.

"Continue doing what you have been doing, in the meantime I'll conduct myself as a Shaman Apprentice from now on. Maybe I can ask for leave, some time to test out your skills later."

"Where are you headed now, Young Master? Luckily we found you on the sidewalk, if not you might have collapsed alone there." Aen still cheerful with his tone asked, he is full of worry towards their Young Master.

"Don't mind me. I'm fine, focus on your training. Since I already ate, I'll be able to do what I must do now. I shall meet you again soon..." Miguel said as he bade them his farewell, leaving the Kitchen Hut while still being supported by a cane.

"Now, that I confirmed their loyalty... I'll have to get that Golden Hair of that Tikbalang. I still can't believe that such creatures truly existed. Is this still the world I know? Did I truly transmigrated to the past?" Contemplating on his way through, Miguel had a budding doubt on his theory.

But as he walked further, he found that he was able to move around without the assistance of the cane as if his previous weak limping body was a joke. Now the cane became useless, he only used it as props now so he can avoid attracting attention to him.

Arching his back and facing the floor can make him hide his face, he thought that it would be better than openly displaying himself to the other tribesmen.

His next destination is the Saman's Kanya which is adjacent to the kitchen hut. As he walked further the guards have noticed him and made him halt his tracks.

"You there! What are you doing here? This is a restricted area, unless you..." But noticing the attire of Miguel, the warrior swallowed his words, "Oh you must be a Shaman..." Then the warrior looked at Miguel again re-examining him from head to toe. "Wait, this is wrong... you are a boy! why are you dressed in a shaman's clothing?! Speak! Explain yourself!" The warrior yelled as he is held in confusion, alerting the other guards.

Miguel found himself, suddenly surrounded by numerous warriors.

The warriors had the same attire and didn't have any striking difference from the other tribesmen, except that at their right arms, a visible golden arm ring is firmly attached with a sun sigil carved in it. They all pointed their spears towards Miguel, fiercely glaring at him.

Miguel knew at this moment that talking further would only increase their vigilance against him, so he decided to quickly show them the token from which he snatched from Eisha.

Slowly revealing the token, Miguel claimed his innocence as the warriors who had been pointing their spears gradually pulled their spears away from him.

Their fierce expressions soften as the previous guard who yelled examined the token.

The token was made from an unknown animal's bone with a dark ink engraved on it, resembling their tribe's sun sigil.

When they saw the token and after inspecting it, the guard nodded and immediately gestured the other warriors to give way.

He politely returned the token as the guard lightly bowed at Miguel.

"My apologies... You must be that rumored Argus who resurrected from death. It is my honor to see you. What brings you here?"

The guard produced a benign smile with his full-face reminiscent of a veteran soldier from Miguel's previous life. He had a physically attractive body, not too muscular nor scrawny. Just the right blend of what a warrior should look like.

Miguel smirked, he realized how helpful the token was. "I'm just here to gather my belongings and hopefully talk with the Saman if permitted to do so." Copying the other person's etiquette, Miguel tried to imitate them as closely as he can get to avoid anyone's suspicion.

But somehow his intention had backfired, the warriors present could not help but be shocked by how the Argus in front of them had conducted himself.

Since Miguel perfectly displayed a calm temperament even after getting cornered, all throughout until responding to the greeting, they were all amazed at Miguel. If not due to his smaller height and a scrawny build they would have thought that Miguel is an adult.

"Is that so? But under the orders of Our Ladyship, Dayang Haya you are not allowed to meet the Saman. However, you may take your belongings inside." As the guard said so, he whistled at the group of Sulgos flocking and gossiping just a few paces from them.

Then a Sulgosa hurriedly came with her head bowing, not directly staring at anyone's eyes.

"You have called?" the Sulgosa uttered, her voice was so feeble like that of a scared cat.

"Accompany our guest, he is now a respected Apprentice of our Babaylan. He is here to take his belongings. Go escort him towards his room, his belongings are probably there."

After the Guard's voice fell, the Sulgosa waved her hand indicating Miguel to follow her.

The other warriors made their exit as they continued to patrol around the Saman's Kanya.

Miguel could not help but compare the way people treat him now from the days he was just an Alipin or a Sulgoso. The difference in status is clearly showcased... he inwardly exclaimed, "Being a Shaman Apprentice is definitely better."