What If The Datu Died?

"Kayo… What a strange name." Argus felt weird when he learned the man's name. At the same time, he thought, "Did I heard that name before?" Asking himself after flapping his loincloth, making sure that the dust was removed.

"And the other guy next to you?" Pointing his lips at the lean Alipin who had the same body build as him.

"The name's Rakan, Young Master..." Which the man had politely replied.

After which, the defeated Yeya who regained her strength lined up with the other two and in unison, they all bowed together performing a warrior's reverence.

As the three bowed, the surrounding onlookers also halted their gossips or any other small talks they were having. The atmosphere suddenly chilled, everyone slowly wore a solemn expression on their faces.

Followed by this silence, Yagnos loudly proclaimed, "Now that you witnessed the mighty prowess of Young Master Argus... I believe you won't question now, why I serve under him?"