The Slaves Who Died As Warriors

Death is inevitable. On the day you were born it is like a decided fate that you will end up erased as foretold in a prophecy.

Why do people still live despite that so-called prophecy, if the end is predestined? If death is what would greet you at your end?

But a smile rose from the edges of Aen and Malpi's grim faces.

'Life is fleeting... but it did not mean it was meaningless...'

'We fought with a great cause!'

The two inwardly thought and the blade greeted their skin.


Blood dripped out from their slashed skins. Looks like the enemy wanted to slowly kill and punish them.


Their whole body creaked and groaned, a cacophony of injuries that was hard to bear.

"Hahaha Look at their pitiful screams. Daring to fool us Buwayans! Turns out you lot are nothing but lowly slaves! how dare you act like warriors!"