One On One: The Two Datus Fights!

The Old will give way to the young. In whatever era you are, this phrase would always be emitted by people who were able to foresee and have a glimpse into the future.

Datu Puti could already envision it!

He could see it.

Perhaps the prophecy was true!

Peace will one day come in the tireless bloodied lands of Danao and all tribes will finally be united under one banner!

But he didn't dare to say that aloud, back when he was still young and full of passion, didn't he thought the same?

When Rajaha Maur continued to win battles and battles in his conquest for domination, people began praising him, calling him the Champion of warriors!

Hence the Rajah term was first created because of his feats. A foreign warrior who hailed somewhere far from Danao suggested it. They were the foreign settlers that came from a Kebang Kingdom or land where they call it Bahasa.