
Computer Screen

Sitting behind the computer screen,

Head tall,

Scanning the internet

And is searching for a keep.


Messaging all ages,

Some are young children,

The ones vulnerable enough to answer,

Monsters prey upon their distress.

Like the typical man next door,

Who sends the final friend request.


Parents are a pawn,

Generation Y and beyond think that their children have become invincible saints---

No one expects their child to participate in pedophile rings.


What about the women?

They're predators, too,

The lies they'll tell,

No one will suspect a woman;

the worst stalkers of us all.


Sitting behind the computer screen,

Scrolling down those edited photos,

Wishing you were a popular one;

Having validating comments

prove fraudulent self-worth,

and never granting any new outlook.


How about gaining a thousand followers?

400 likes a picture,

The only thing that fuels the public,

Their silicone-filled bodies and edited photos are hiding their true nature.


Self-esteem is no longer a thing,

People desire lust and fame,

Young children and adults think creepers will never target them,

As their followers reassure their self-uncertainty,

ignoring strangers and their dangers

and walking inside,

taking the last step.


The victim stares

As the perpetrator's computer screen light catches a glimpse,

The predator's face darkens the bright light;

You turn and smile,

But the child starts running.


Big arms scoop them,

As the dark web titles their file "My Pizza,"

Toyed again and again,

Until 666 stains the forehead.